Part 15

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The Duchy flourished.

We trained our new officials and solidified checks and balances to keep things honest and efficient. The school expanded to multiple trades, and soon I was cooperating with other nobles to open up similar establishments across the kingdom. Through it all, Armeny led the way, becoming a center for trade, skilled workers and culture.

Another year had passed, I was seventeen, and coming up on the last year before the big scandal that had ruined my life the first time around. I knew that I needed to move out of the spotlight, so that my fall from grace would have as little as an effect as possible of the work I had already accomplished.

Fortunately, I didn't have to worry about the business "Prosperity." No one seemed to realize that I was in charge, and simply seemed to think I was one of their most loyal customers. I would be able to continue to run things from behind the scenes.

But the Duchy was a different story. Most of the nobility knew by this point that I was the one actually in charge. At first, some of the older men had protested to my father, decrying it as "unnatural" and "harmful." Fortunately the Duke's laziness was not to be underestimated. After getting a chance to live a life free of the responsibilities he hated, my father was not going to be coerced into taking them on again. He simply told them he couldn't be bothered, and that everything would work out in the end. In the face of his never faltering, if vaguely directed optimism, they were forced to give up.

I had been left in relative peace since then, but that would change once my reputation and status were ruined. To prepare for that, I needed a figurehead. Someone who could help to run the Duchy instead of me, but wouldn't try to change too many things whenever I wasn't looking.

And so, I sent for Henry.

A distant cousin on my father's side, Henry was officially the heir of the title.

Traditionally he should have been at my father's side, learning to take over from the time he was young, but that seemed that it had been too much effort for the Duke. I had met him only a few times over the years, he was always quiet, intelligent... if a little boring to talk to, and a hard worker. He spent most of his time studying the different uses of plants, and publishing his findings.

He had never inherited the title in my previous life. After my family fell from grace, the Duchy had been absorbed by its neighbors, and as far as I knew he lived his life either unaware or not caring that his inheritance had disappeared. He seemed to find joy in scientific study rather than money and the company of others.

He was perfect.


"So I am to take over the Duchy?" Henry sat across from me, drinking tea, his gaze more on the floor than on me.

"In part. You'll be taking on some of the workload, but I'll still have a hand in making sure things stay on track."

He thought that over for a few moments, sighing. "What's in it for me?"

THAT caught me off guard.

"You'll have to be the Duke eventually, and this is part of the job. Also, you get to live in a nice house, you won't have to worry about money..."

"But I really don't want the title! I have everything I need at my home." He shook his head. "I may not have money or a big house... but my plants...

"I'll build you a greenhouse, and move your plants here so you can continue your studies. I'll even buy you more plants if you like..."

"I'll move in next week." I couldn't help but laugh at his immediate agreement once plants were involved.


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