🐉 The Dragon Kingdom 🐉

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A/N Oct. 2020: I fixed this up! This is for Mrdoggo123 Reboot of the rp!

Current Ruler: King ReignerPast Rulers: -King Achilles -King Indignor-King Domitor-King Rancidus-King "Ira"-Queen Invidia -King Caedis-King Roman-King Comet-King Mandicus-King Vereor -King Reigner

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Current Ruler:
King Reigner
Past Rulers:
-King Achilles
-King Indignor
-King Domitor
-King Rancidus
-King "Ira"
-Queen Invidia
-King Caedis
-King Roman
-King Comet
-King Mandicus
-King Vereor
-King Reigner

History with Humans/The Human Realm:Dragons, like the other Kingdoms, have mainly stayed distant from the Human Realm and only comes into contact with it if absolutely necessary (excluding some Demons)

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History with Humans/The Human Realm:
Dragons, like the other Kingdoms, have mainly stayed distant from the Human Realm and only comes into contact with it if absolutely necessary (excluding some Demons). In the Royal garden, multiple statues of past kings are lined up in front of Achille's statue. As a gift from King Lucifer of the Demons, the only way to reach the Human Realm in the Dragon Kingdom is by pulling down the third spike on Achille's neck. A small portal will open up and send the traveler to what is now modern day Florida of the United States. A similar statue resides there and is able to send them back any time. However, this passage between the two worlds is only known to royals and is kept a secret to the public.
Though the portal is not used much anymore, Dragons at first thrived in both realms peacefully. That was until humans started to exist and grow smarter. Around the Medieval time period in the Human Realm, Dragons and Humans started constantly fighting and destroying each other's homes. After humans became more advanced in Dragon hunting, they eventually went into hiding and left the Human Realm forever. As time went on, Humans forgot about Dragons and now only refer to them as myths or legends.
Overall History:
Dragons evolved from prehistoric reptiles and didn't have any magical abilities at first. They also were pretty solitary and mainly roamed the Human Realm on their own. However as humans became more dangerous, they chose a King and came together as a Kingdom. The Demons, who already formed a society, saw them as a potential ally against humans and shared some of their power with them. This allowed Dragons to have magical abilities and a human form themselves. They went on to fight with humans for years until Achilles sent them all back to their original home. They joined the other Kingdoms and thrived peacefully for years.
Around King Domitor's rule, water-type Dragons were starting disputes over ocean territory with the Merfolk. One thing led to another, and an army of them took a section of the sea violently and forced the Merfolk citizens away. This in turn made the Merfolk Queen angry and she ordered a powerful mage to curse the Dragon royals as revenge. Two of King Domitor's sons died of disease while the youngest, Prince Rancidus, was cursed with an ice mutation. In the end the water Dragon's lost a majority of their territory and a new plague emerged. It came every other thousand years and always ended up killing at least one royal. At this point, most Dragons became desperate and reached out to the gods to try and help. With this a new group emerged: The Circle of Draconic Witches. Multiple lower classed dragons claimed to have had a sort of "special connection" to the gods and even past ancestors. Most were viewed as crazy and thought to have been lying to weasel their way to the royal's side, though as time went on, multiple instances occurred that proved them in the right. They would often correctly predict terrible storms, food shortages, a royal's death, and other signs from the gods. This caused for a great amount of support for the group and eventually, one was assigned to every dragon ruler since then.
Peace continued on after, though some fights have broken out here and there. King Ira defeated Rancidus and ruled for 238 years until being mysteriously killed (along with his other brothers and mother). Invidia, being the oldest royal alive, took the throne and was the only Queen in history to have full power. She was about to allow her daughters to challenge her for the throne, until Caedis killed her and became King.
Other than the mysterious plague, the Dragons stayed peaceful and didn't cause any problems for awhile.
After King Vereor's death, King Reigner took the throne and killed his two brothers and sister. This alone worried the other Kingdoms, but nothing was said until he started invading their territories with his armies. The four other rulers fought back, causing the first ever war to start. They eventually were able to defeat Reigner and locked all the Dragons away in a Sanctuary-like place. The Dragons stayed there for years, plotting their revenge. Dragonets were trained from a young age and the Draconic Witch at the time, Cleo, was one of the last in her circle. King Reigner used her 'freak accident death' as an excuse to dismiss the whole religion aspect of their lives and created a more atheist-based culture.

 King Reigner used her 'freak accident death' as an excuse to dismiss the whole religion aspect of their lives and created a more atheist-based culture

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Dragons were never too religious at first, and only got the ideas of different gods from Humans. However as times got tough they eventually resorted to worshipping ancient gods and ancestors.
A majority of Dragon gods are centered around fire, which makes fire-type Dragons mostly respected. To heavily religious citizens, ice Dragons are seen as a 'disgrace' while water Dragons are seen as the yin/yang to fire Dragons.
Once the Circle of Draconic Witches appeared and claimed to have been in contact with the gods, they spoke of two powerful beings that even held a higher power than King Achilles himself. The gods Orcus and Lumen, the apparent judges of Death and Life, hold all worlds together and are in someway connected. They judge the spirits of passed dragons and new kings once coronated, deciding their or their kingdom's fates. It is said that when the two both agree that a king is unworthy, they curse the kingdoms until a new king is appointed.
This claim was "proven" at the coronation of King Comet, where a dragon blooded moon casted the kingdom into a nightly terror. It only ended once he passed on his crown to his brother.
However, after the death of the final Draconic Witch, religion seemed to have heavily died down.
Jewels and gold are very valuable in the Dragon Kingdom. Most wealthy citizens and royals have as much jewels as possible to show off while poorer families usually pass down rare jewels to their family.
Royals are classified into types of jewels.
Kings strictly wear rubies, both in crowns and other forms of jewelry.
Princes wear emeralds, strictly in crowns though can wear other jewels with other pieces of jewelry.
Queens and princesses wear amethysts strictly in crowns, though other jewelry is way more flexible.
Most female dragons like to embed small gems into their scales, usually around their eyes or into the membranes of their wings.
Types of citizens:
(From most common to rarest)
Fire Dragons
Plant Dragons
Shadow/Night Dragons
Light/Day Dragons
Toxic/Venomous Dragons
Lightning/Thunder Dragons
Weather/Wind Dragons
Ice Dragons
History of hybrids:
A majority of Dragons are technically hybrids themselves. It is pretty rare to see a pure blooded fire, plant, lightning, etc. Dragon, as most have a combination of different elements.
However hybrids of different Kingdoms are looked down upon and even hunted in some cases.
-More will be added later

 Other:-More will be added later

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