🧜‍♀️ The Merfolk Kingdom 🧜‍♂️

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A/N: Yo Yo, this page was written/created by the amazing Mrdoggo123 all I did was add gifs lmao

Current Ruler: Queen Serenity Past Rulers: -King Aqua-Queen Nautila-Queen Livara-King Midia-Queen Lucille-Queen Pimivera-King Nero-King Bastian-King Poseidon-King Triton-Queen Charybdis-Queen Scylla-Queen Gaia-King Margo-King Lidus-Queen Serenity

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Current Ruler:
Queen Serenity
Past Rulers:
-King Aqua
-Queen Nautila
-Queen Livara
-King Midia
-Queen Lucille
-Queen Pimivera
-King Nero
-King Bastian
-King Poseidon
-King Triton
-Queen Charybdis
-Queen Scylla
-Queen Gaia
-King Margo
-King Lidus
-Queen Serenity

Current Ruler: Queen Serenity Past Rulers: -King Aqua-Queen Nautila-Queen Livara-King Midia-Queen Lucille-Queen Pimivera-King Nero-King Bastian-King Poseidon-King Triton-Queen Charybdis-Queen Scylla-Queen Gaia-King Margo-King Lidus-Queen Serenity

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History with Humans/The Human Realm:
While not often associating with humans, many merfolk live within the human realm. However, many of those who do have been banished from the kingdom for heinous crimes. Besides to communicate with the few who choose to live in the human realm, the merfolk don't have any reason to enter. A vast ocean divides the two realms, and nobody truly knows how large it is. All that is known is that after a long time swimming, the ocean will eventually lead to the human realm near Iceland. This is well known by merfolk, but due to it's usage for banishment, very few travel the distance purposefully. The distance is described as being so vast that one will die of starvation before they reach the end.
Merfolk were very uncommon in the human realm, but they were an ancient group of species, born before even dragons. As human began traveling by sea, the songs of sirens captivated sailors to their doom. They gained a negative reputation as a whole, but were rather unbothered due to how difficult it was to hunt them down. As they gained in population, they formed a society of monarchy. However, there was no good place for a kingdom on land, so they began to travel, somehow ending up in the Magic Realm and staying. Those who stayed continued to captivate with their songs or their tails.
Overall History:
Merfolk is technically an umbrella term for three different species- nagas, sirens, and mermaids, although they all evolved from sea creatures. Merfolk were playful and carefree, forming loosely knit colonies made of mostly women-there is a significant skew between the genders- to live in. Soon, these colonies merged together and the Merfolk copied the humans to create a monarchy. One of the most popular pastimes was singing, something sirens were especially good at. While not magical, their voices were so heavenly that men that sailed and heard them often jumped overboard to find the source. They were often found dead and, as to both honor them and not waste precious food, eaten.
As dragons evolved, Merfolk took notice of those who flew over them, often providing them with food for the journey. Some, however, would die on the way, and some were pregnant with eggs. Nagas took it upon themselves to care for the eggs until another dragon flew by, which may have been the origin of water dragons. None ever hatched due to the nagas not knowing how to make it occur, but were never damaged despite the underwater pressure. When the dragons left, many of the dragon eggs did hatch, becoming sea serpents. And when the Merfolk left, many dragon corpses still lay at the bottom of the ocean floor, still with eggs to be hatched.
King Poseidon wished for a weapon to be crafted for him, so he reached out to the merchant Vagus. The legendary smith crafted a powerful trident capable of harnessing the power of lightning. However, he recognized the danger of the weapon and infused it with a charm- it could only be wielded by those who would never use it for evil.
King Poseidon had a great many children, including Queen Charybdis and King Triton. Triton had a daughter named Scylla. Upon Charybdis's rule, water dragons began to take their lands. Enraged, Charybdis ordered a witch to curse the royal dragons with a terrible plague, killing them with ease. Due to this terrible crime, she was turned into a hideous monster by Triton's orders and banished to the human realm, where she lived under a rock in Sicily on one side of a narrow strait. Three times a day, she had to drink a large gulp of water and then belch it out, causing massive whirlpools. To avoid her, sailors moved to the other side of the strait. However, due to the banishment of Charybdis, her niece Scylla took the throne and began to take back the lands. She employed horrendous tactics, such as prison camps and public executions, resulting in her suffering the same fate as her aunt and living under a rock. She had chosen the other side of the strait, killing those who passed by her and forcing them dangerously near Charybdis.
The Merfolk remained relatively peaceful afterwards, never truly inciting war. However, King Margo was a well known adulterer. Just before the war against the dragons, the eldest of his bastard daughters asked him for the throne, which he was going to allow. However, his pureblooded son, King Linus, killed him before he had the chance and took the throne, banishing his sister due to her innate magic, which posed a threat to him. Serenity lived in the Bermuda Triangle before it became dangerous, finding four dragon eggs from the ancient times inside the carcass of a dragon. She raised them, three of them hatching and hunting in the corners of the triangle, giving it its infamy. However, the fourth was smaller and did not hatch, which concerned her. Deciding to go back to the kingdoms after so long to give it to the dragons to hatch, she rode one of the dragons to the Merfolk kingdom, unaware of the war. When her brother attempted to kill her as she walked in, she grabbed the first weapon she could find- the trident. She was able to wield it while her brother could not, which trumped his blood, making her the rightful queen. However, the war against the dragons had been fought, leaving her without means to give the egg to them. So she gave it to a witch, who died to give it a powerful blessing. She swore to keep it safe until it hatched, which it did during the second war.
While Merfolk had a reputation of being incredible strategists, Serenity was on a completely different level, so far as being compared to Poseidon. She used this reputation to help end the war, and began to focus more on her son that hatched from the egg.

 She used this reputation to help end the war, and began to focus more on her son that hatched from the egg

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Merfolk are almost devoid of religion, not praying to any sort of deity. Some do pray to the sea, but that is very uncommon.
Due to the significant skew between the genders, male Merfolk are considered precious and to be protected. While Kings dispute any notion that they are not capable of the same things women are, the gender roles are reversed, with the males being househusbands and the females being the breadwinners.
Merfolk are very playful, often finding any excuse to hold a party or even a festival to have fun. Even the elderly and the royals participate. The only time there are none is when war directly affects the kingdom, in which case many Merfolk enlist to defend their kingdom with honor unprecedented.
Merfolk are skilled in the art of war, training from a young age to battle in armies. Many of the weapons made in the Merfolk kingdoms help amplify their abilities, most notably the small balls of water that can be used for both attack and defense.
Types of citizens:
History of hybrids:
Most Merfolk are mixed breeds, so they are taken well by the general public. Hybrids between kingdoms are significantly better treated than other kingdoms, but they are still considered odd.
-The Merfolk are responsible for a great deal of human myths involving the sea.
-Poseidon was the first Merfolk to have magical powers.
-Merfolk revert to their natural state when in contact with water.

-Merfolk revert to their natural state when in contact with water

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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