🧚‍♀️ The Fairy Kingdom 🧚‍♂️

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A/N: This chapter was written by the great Scarlett12404 ! All I did was add gifs!

Current Ruler: Queen SeraphinaPast Rulers: - King Oberon- Queen Titania- Queen Gloriana- Queen Mab- Queen Maeve- King Aconite- Queen Eucalypta- Queen Alyssum- King Cassien- Queen Allium- King Anthos- Queen Amaryllis- Queen Camellia- King Cypress- ...

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Current Ruler:
Queen Seraphina
Past Rulers:
- King Oberon
- Queen Titania
- Queen Gloriana
- Queen Mab
- Queen Maeve
- King Aconite
- Queen Eucalypta
- Queen Alyssum
- King Cassien
- Queen Allium
- King Anthos
- Queen Amaryllis
- Queen Camellia
- King Cypress
- Queen Rosangela
- King Raphael
-Queen Seraphina

Current Ruler: Queen SeraphinaPast Rulers: - King Oberon- Queen Titania- Queen Gloriana- Queen Mab- Queen Maeve- King Aconite- Queen Eucalypta- Queen Alyssum- King Cassien- Queen Allium- King Anthos- Queen Amaryllis- Queen Camellia- King Cypress- ...

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History with Humans/The Human Realm:
The fairies are infamous for their interactions with humans, with more ballads, poems, and stories told of them than any of the other kingdoms. Known as the fair folk, the wee people, the good people, and the fae, fairies were called many things and known for their mischief and power. They lurked in forests and burrowed under hills, interacting with whatever sentient being they came across. They enjoyed seducing and tricking the humans and migrated often. Humans got so desperate to be rid of them that they became superstitious, pouring salt at every window and using iron as a ward against fairykind, and they believe it worked because the fairies backed off - only because King Oberon began his reign. However, it was not until Queen Eucalypta that the fairies left the Human Realm entirely and moved to the Magic Realm. Currently, only a few fairies live in the human realm, and they still live in the forests. However, a few of them try hiding their wings or willingly cut them off so that they can blend in to society. Deforestation is a major problem for these fairies, and they are also concerned about desertification and global warming.
Overall History:
In the initial years in the human realm, fairies were unorganized and independent, entertained by their whims and fooling the mortals. However, with King Oberon rising to power, the fairies have organized themselves into a kind of monarchy. It was also a patriarchy in the beginning, but when Oberon took Titania as his wife, they began to argue. Their marriage was VERY disharmonious to the point that they would trick each other and have fights over the smallest infractions. In the end, Titania poisoned Oberon and took his throne. Her reign began the newer shift towards gender equity. However, in even the most fair of societies, there is always a hierarchy, and so another one formed. Queen Gloriana took the throne after Titania, who died of natural causes. Gloriana was quite enthusiastic about battle and would terrorize some humans to get more land; however, she was a decent queen and also took care of her kingdom. On the other hand, her daughter Mab was cruel and would go around and tell her people to give the humans nightmares, as well as bringing some back and traumatizing them herself. She was also a great but terrible queen, and she would brutally punish even the smallest infraction of the rules. Her people hated her but feared her, and when an assassin killed her, her sister Maeve took the throne. Maeve seemed kind at first and allowed her people to celebrate and party, and she threw many parties herself. She focused on advancing her kingdom and trade with others, and she always smiled in public. The people saw how kind she really was when she brutally executed a fairy who tried to assassinate her - her smile never wavered. Her son King Aconite was worse than Maeve, and he killed his wife after giving birth to three children and kidnapped many human women to have his way with them. He was killed by his eldest son, but his son was also killed in the process. His daughter Queen Eucalypta took over, and she was truly kind. She was the first of the good queens, and she wanted to be better than her father. She changed the fairies' reputation and also was responsible for their relocation. After her was Alyssum, who improved the trade relations with other kingdoms. Her son Cassien was a lazy king and didn't do much, and he ruled in luxury while the lower class suffered. His daughter Allium was a weird one, and even though she lived in luxury and was frowned upon by the gentry due to her eccentricity, she was still responsible for many great and radical changes and is remembered even today. Queen Allium removed the social hierarchy and even married an elf, which caused a scandal in the initial years until the gossips got bored. After that, the remaining kings and queens did their best to maintain the peace, until King Raphael and his Queen Consort had to fight in the war against the Dragon kingdom. When the Dragons were sealed away, another brief yet peaceful era was upon them, and Queen Seraphina succeeded her parents and gained the throne. Not long after, the Dragons were set free and Seraphina fought her parents' battle and won. Though weary, Queen Seraphina is determined to keep the peace at any cost.

Religion: The fairies don't really follow many gods; however, many do set out sacrifices and pray to the Erlking and Queen Titania in the fear that their vengeful spirits would come back to haunt them

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The fairies don't really follow many gods; however, many do set out sacrifices and pray to the Erlking and Queen Titania in the fear that their vengeful spirits would come back to haunt them.  Very few of the fey will worship some nature gods that were devised by the humans.
For a long time, until the rule of Queen Allium, there was a hierarchy that was deeply ingrained into fairy society. Sidhes are fairies that looked like humans with strong magical attributes, and they formed the gentry with the claim that they were given the right by Mother Nature.  Elves, fairies with little to almost insignificant powers were the working class, humanoid but slightly on the wilder side.  They have unnaturally colored eyes and hair, and their canines are sharp and elongated.  The laborers, wanderers, and slaves consisted of the Nymphs, who have no magical power other than the fact that they are swifter than the wind and stronger than a lion.  They have attributes that help them blend in with nature, such as icicle-like hair or bark-like skin.  Even after this hierarchy was declared null and void, some upper class fairies abuse fairies of the lower class because they believe it is their right.
Types of citizens:
History of hybrids:
Most of the hybrids are human-fairy hybrids, but the human blood in their veins has been diluted to a drop or two.  The second most abundant might be merfolk-fairy hybrids, the third being phoenix-fairy hybrids.  Not many demon or dragon hybrids exist within the kingdom.  The fairies have been relatively kind to the hybrids in their lands, but they only take care of them if the other parent is unable to take them back to their own lands.  However, for hybrids across the social classes, before the rule of Queen Allium hybrids would belong to the lower social class of the parents who bore them.
- Queen Allium was known for her strange scent, and her husband often complained of a strange onion smell that would plague the castle.  When they married, some say the first order the King Consort gave was to build more windows in the castle,
- King Oberon is usually spoken of as the Erlking or the First King as to not invoke his spirit.
- Queen Mab executed her husband before she bore any heirs, hence why Maeve was able to seize the throne.
- The parties the fairies used to throw were overly extravagant, and many of them were in a state of inebriation.  Whatever happens in these parties, stays in these parties....
- Most of the royal family either have powers relating to Summer or Winter, though there have been exceptions.

- Most of the royal family either have powers relating to Summer or Winter, though there have been exceptions

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The History of the Kingdoms {Basically a guide to the Five Kingdoms??}Where stories live. Discover now