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Author's note: Hey peeps! So- just to clarify- this is actually a sequel, though I am not sure as to make this the first, second, or third book. This won't be a very tragic werewolf story, don't worry. I am a fan of happy endings! :) And I can assure you, there will be tons of romantic, sappy, cheesy things going on so don't worry about crying your eyes out. Enjoy and remember to leave a comment and vote! P.S/ I am an amateur writer, I make mistakes. 

Love, Victory.x

Ugh. I felt cold and stiff sheets beneath me as I turned. I tried to open my eyes but shut them just as quickly when sunlight hurt them.

"Draw the curtains," hissed a voice which made my toes tingle and my heart ache. I heard the curtains draw and when I felt it was safe to open my eyes, I did so. 

Who are these people? Who was this beautiful man standing before me? Where am I? Why are these people here? What happened? So many questions coursed through my head at once. 

I sat up and looked around, panic flooding me. White sheets, uncomfortable bed, soft apple green walls, peach curtains, vases of flowers, needles. Needles. "Where am I?" I spoke, not believing my own voice. It was strained, yet melodious. Why do I feel like my voice isn't mine? It was like I haven't heard myself speak before.

A woman started sobbing as a man put his arm around her to comfort her. She was probably in her mid-fourties, but she looked young at the same time. Did that even make sense? She had brown hair which reached her shoulders and brown chocolate eyes. I stared at her in confusion. This made her cry harder. The man, who had a wide frame and dirty blonde hair gave me a pained look.

"Leave. Everyone, right now." said the same voice which made my toes tingle before. I turned towards that direction to see the most beautiful man I have ever seen staring back at me. His golden eyes bored into my green ones with affection. I tried to look away, but I couldn't. His eyes reminded me of something, a story. What was it again? It started with a T...., Tantrum, no... ugh. I give up.

Everyone left the room quietly, except for the sobs of the woman which could still be heard from outside. I managed to tear my eyes away from his. "Where am I?" I repeated, staring at the blank wall in front of me.

"Chelsea?" He walked towards me, taking my hand. Was that my name? The worst thing was that I wasn't even sure. I glanced at the hand he took- my hand. Ew. It was inserted with a needle. An...intravenous drip. Oh finally, I can remember something. I cringed as I saw the sight of the needle. He turned my palm outwards and drew lightly on it with his thumb. "You're at the hospital."

My eyes narrowed. "Why?" He gazed at me intently for a while, not answering. "Who are they?" I changed the question, asking about the hoard of people outside. His lips tugged at the corners. "Aren't you going to ask me who I am first?"  

I nodded slowly. "Who are you, then?"

 He smiled. "Jake. Nice to meet you."

"Jake," I repeated, letting the word roll off my tongue, like a little child learning a new word for the first time.

"That's right." He gave an encouraging smile. "And those people outside...they are your family."

"No," I protested. "I don't know them."

"Yes, you do." He played with my fingers. "The one crying was your mum, and the one next to her was your dad."

It took a while to absorb all of this. "Why don't I remember anything?"

"Amnesia." He said so quietly I almost couldn't have heard him. "You got into an accident."


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