3: School (i)

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Author's Note: Hi! :) As you can see, this chapter opens up to more romantic moments between Jake and Chelsea. Heheheh. ;) The picture on the right is Chelsea's outfit for school! I shall be posting Allison's outfit in the second part of the chapter. Enjoy, comment and vote! :) xx Vic.

This time I awoke comfortably, engulfed in the secure scent of rain. I stretched, pulling the comforter tighter around me. I stared blankly at Jake who was next to me as usual, taking in his features, memorizing them. His tousled brown hair was as sexy as ever, and his golden eyes were mesmerizing.

He chuckled. "You're awake," he said, stating the obvious. I stretched again.

"Did I pass out?" I asked after I finished my mini-gymnastic warm up session.

He sighed. "Yes. Maybe we're pushing you too hard." He ran his hands through his hair.

I ignored him. "Was it real?"

He gave me a good, long look. "Yes."

"I can do it too?" I gasped, looking at him with widened eyes.

"Would you like to try sometime?" he suggested, raising an eyebrow in question.

"Umm," I decided with 'umm.' It was a safe answer.

"We haven't told you the lot of it yet." He changed the subject, I think he noticed that I was getting uncomfortable.

"Of what?"

"The werewolf matter."

"You haven't?" I gasped. They haven't? What else is there? I shuddered.

"Well, no." He looked uncomfortable all of a sudden. He ran his hand through his hair again. I really, really wanted to kiss him but I resisted the urge to. I waited for him to continue.

"Besides the shifting into a werewolf, there's another thing called mates. You can say mates are kind of...soulmates...for werewolves. Everyone has one, but it depends on when you find them. The Moon Goddess decides that for you, the same with deciding who gets to be your mate. A mate is someone you are destined to be with, and no one out there can love you more than your mate, nor bring the amount of happiness your mate can. It's like you were made just to be with your mate."

"Wow." I never thought there was something like this in the world... and neither did I think about the werewolf possibility. Unbelievable.

"Do you have one? A mate?" I asked, curious. A smile crept up Jake's face. "I do. She's really beautiful. I think you would love her." his eyes softened.

"Oh." I muttered. It was like a kick in the gut. I couldn't imagine Jake with another girl, no, it hurt too much. 

"What about me?" I asked.

"Yes, you have a mate." he smiled.

"Can I meet him?" I requested, suddenly estatic.

He growled. "Silly." 

All of a sudden I was standing, and his arm was around my waist. Heat radiated from his body. His touch made my toes curl. "You're my mate." he murmured into my ear and I shivered.

As much as I wanted this to last, my stomach couldn't help itself. It let out a rumble. Me, on the other hand, let out an embarassed giggle. He shook his head. "You really don't know what you do to me." He mused.

"Breakfast?" He took my hand and led me down the stairs. I couldn't help thinking about how happy I was, Jake being my mate. Perhaps it was why I felt so comfortable around him. 

Walking down the corridor and down the steps, I could feel all eyes on me. I shied away into Jake's back, but only partly so I didn't seem a coward. Jake reached out for me. "They just want to know you." he assured.

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