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While Harry is asleep, Louis sips on his morning cup of tea and,opens up Harry's folder.

Name- Harry Edward Styles




Ex. Master(s) (if any)-Luke Hemmings, Zayn Malik, and, Taylor Swift.

COD of Ex. Master(s) (if any)-Heart Attack, Cancer, and Shot in the head (law #5)

Fears- being punished for no reason, being alone, and not having a loving master.

Why he was auctioned as a broken- Ex Masters wish.

Louis sets the folder down, he didn't know what to expect. He did but nothing like this.

He picks it back up, and continues to read.

Virgin- No, raped three years ago, unknown to who did it.

Illnesses-Depression, and Schizophrenia.

Parents- Unknown

Other family- Gemma styles, sister, deceased.

Louis sets down the folder right when he hears Harry, screaming.

Louis gets into Harry's and his room to see Harry screaming, starching, and crying. Harry's tail is limp, his ears are perked up.

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