Chapter 1- New Home

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Leaving home to a whole other place... That's one of the hardest things you can do. But moving constantly every year, every few months, every few weeks even, that to me is one of the hardest things. I can never get close to anyone because I'll lose them eventually. My dad always try to cheer me up by saying it will be an adventure, a bonding moment. But its hard when it's just my dad and I. His job is always taking us to new places and it was cool at first you know, seeing the Grand Canyon, going to the Tower of Piza, and walking on the Great wall of China. It was fun traveling when I was younger, but it gets old after a while.

It got even harder when my mom passed away 5 years ago. That year was the only year that we stayed in one place for so long. But after she passed away, my dad couldn't stay there so we moved again. Even though my dad says he's still here and that he's here for me, I know that I lost two people that day my mom and my dad. He just isn't the same anymore. He used to love his job now I don't know anymore. The reason that we move so much is because of his job. He's a photographer for National Geographic. It's really cool but it gets old after a while.

My dad and I are on a plane right now to Sydney Australia. He said that he was going to go shoot a whole bunch of different verities of animals that live on land and in the water. This is going to be one of his longest trips he said, we're probably going to be staying six months or more. I was so excited to hear that because I might actually make some friends this time and I might even get a job.

"Everyone please fasten your seatbelts we are going to be landing at any moment now" The Co Pilot announced. I nudged my dad so he could wake up.

"Hey dad wake up" I said in a normal tone voice, nothing, "Dad" I tried again, "DAD" I said loud enough so people would look on our direction. He finally jerked awake and opened his eyes.

"Mia why did you wake me up?" He asked me still sleepy.

"Because, we're going to be landing soon you have to put your seatbelt on." I said to him.

"Oh okay,"he said as he buckled up, "Are you excited Mia?"he said smiling. "Australia! It's beautiful there. It's where I met your mum. Remember?" He said with a soft smile as if he was remembering the first time he saw her. He told that it was like magic. He was taking pictures of the suffers out in the ocean when he saw her come out of a wave. She looked like an angle to him. It took him days to talk to her and weeks to even ask her out. He used to tell it to me ask the time, now we rarely talked about her.

I nodded and smiled, "Yeah I remember" I said softly. "You said she looked like an angle when you first saw her". He smiled and nodded, "Yeah she was beautiful, just like you"he add and nudged me, "She loved the ocean it was her passion, but she loved me more and she married me and out of that we got you." He said with soft eyes, "Don't ever forget that I love you, okay Mia?"

"Yeah, thanks dad" I said smiling. I hugged him and then I looked out the window. Outside was the clear blue beach with people riding the waves and people on the breach getting tan. I couldn't wait to get out there on the beach. One thing that I got from my mom was my love for the water, when I was little we lived Florida for a bit and my mom would take me out and teach me how to surff it was my favorite thing on the world. Now I can actually surff on the beach that my mom did.

The plane landed and we all stood up and got our bags. We walked out of the airport and like always someone from Geographic was already waiting for us.

"So dad where are we staying this time?" I asked him and he smiled oh we're staying at grandma's and grandpa's house with them. I hugged him tightly, "Are you serious!?" I asked excitedly. "That's awesome! I'm actually going to meet them for real!?" My dad laughed, "Of course, and your going to love their house it's huge!"he said to me smiling. "That's amazing dad thank you". "Your welcome kido" he said as we got in the car.

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