Chapter 3- New school

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That afternoon my father and I went to the school I was supposed to attend to. I really just wanted to do homeschooling but I knew that wasn't going to happen. My father wants me to socialize so that's what I'm going to do. 

"Come on Mia its not going to be that bad." he said to me as we walked out of the main office in the school, with my class periods in hand. 

"Yeah sure whatever you say Dad" I said as I looked through my classes and teachers. 

We were walking around the school seeing where my classes are so I wouldn't get lost tomorrow. Mr.Pepper in the first floor along with Mrs. Whittmore, Ms. Jewet, and Mr. Doorman. My other four classes were upstairs, Mr. Stevenson, Mr. Lewis, Mrs. Smith, and Mr. Garcia. I was so not ready for tomorrow to come, the students right now were in their classes and the school day was about to end for them. 

"Hey dad we should probably go before the students come out" I said starting to get nervous of the crowd of teenagers that will soon be coming out. 

"Oh Mia don't be in such a rush, you're coming here tomorrow anyways." 

"Yeah and I'm trying to avoid it as much as possible" I said walking faster. My dad keeps on calling my name but I ignore him and turn the corner to go down, as I'm walking down the stairs I bump into a hard wall which is really a person. I look up to see a very familiar face.

"Hemmings?" I say furrowing my eyebrows, my hands are on his chest and one of his hands is on my waist and the other on my arm to keep me steady and from falling.

"Mia? What are you doing here?" he asks me and lets me go once I have my balance.

"I'm here with my dad checking out my new school" I said rolling my eyes, I really did not want to go to school. "What about you?" I asked him

"I go here" he simply said and shrugged

"Really? I thought you were older"  I said to him, "What grade?" I asked him

"Senior, you?" he asked

"Same, I-" I was caught off by my dad

"Mia stop- Oh there you are." he said walking over to us. "Who is this?" he asked looking at Luke

"Dad Luke Hemmings, Luke Hemmings this is my dad" I pointing to them as I introduced him

"Hello sir" Luke said to my dad and I just looked back and forth between them.

"Luke, are you going to watch out my daughter this year?" he asked him in a fatherly way.

Luke smirked at me but smiled at my father, "Yes sir, if you want me to" He said to him and my father nodded.

"Ill meet you in the car Mia" he said and walked off. It was just Luke and me now.

I stood there awkwardly looking anywhere but at him, while he just looked at me... weirdo.

"Why are you looking at me" I asked him finally lookin up at him.

He smirked and shook his head, " Do you surf?" he asked me.

"That didnt answer my question you know" he just laughed "Yes I do why?"  I asked him

"Because I need another member on my team, and I was wondering if you wnated in" he said to me and I looked at him weird, 

"I dont even know you, I met you yesterday" I said to him with my hands crossed over my chest.

"You'll warm up to me" he said smirking, "they always do" 

"Yeah well im not like most so dont count on it" I said to him and turned around and started walking down the stairs.

"Its going to happen" he called out to me 

I shook my head and looked up at him, "Not likley" I said and then walked outside. This was going to be a long year. Even more when Hemmings was at my school.

My dad drove us home and I stayed quiet in the car and fell asleep. When we got back my dad woke me up and told me to go upstairs and sleep since i still wasnt used to the time change. While I was walking up the stairs I saw my grandma coming down and I smiled at her.

"How was the school?" she asked me 

"It was alright, I guess" I said to her shrugging, for some reason it bothered me that Luke went to my school

"Is everything alright?" she asked

I nodded, "Yeah just really tired, Im going to go sleep" I said to her, "The time is messing with me"

She nodded "Alright, have a good nap sweety" she said to me

"Thanks I will" I said to her and went up to my room. I collapsed on my bed and snuggled closer to the cool sheets of my bed. As soon as I was comfortable I fell into a deep sleep and didnt wake up untill midnight...

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