Chapter 12

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"Hey guys?" Pegasus says. "Do you ever wonder about the lives of the people and creatures we represent?"

Orion shakes his head. "Not really."

"You never question how Ursa Major got there in the first place?"

"Where's this coming from?" Scorpius asks.

"It's just...that's what Hydra was talking about when he was in my head." Pegasus says. "A fear of mine, I guess. Being lied to."

"You know he's just messing with your head, right?" Scorpius puts an arm around her.

"Yeah, but...this seemed...realistic."

Corvus glances at Cygnus. "How are you?" He asks her.

She shrugs. "Sad. Mad. Somewhere in the middle."

"I get it." Corvus says.

"I know he wasn't actually my brother, but he still is in my eyes. I can't just stop thinking of him that way. And even though he could be annoying and rude at times, he was still my brother."

Corvus looks sympathetically at her. "It's strange. No Star Keeper has ever died. It's a hard time for us all."

Cygnus looks up at the sky, the sun beginning to rise now. She sighs. "So, what do Star Keepers do during the day?"

Corvus smiles. "Anything they want. Sleep, eat, hang out. It's just like earth, just minus...well, pretty much everything."

Cygnus chuckles. "Is it always so dark there?"

Corvus nods. "But don't worry, we still know what the time is."

"What does a Star Keeper do when it's not their season?"

"Again, whatever they want. I mean, it's recommended that you sleep in your room. But for the ones who are in season, they go to what's called the viewing room."

"The viewing room?"

"Mm-hm. It's a very large room representing the sky. You need to make sure you lay in your exact spot, or else your constellation may be in a different spot than usual."

Cygnus smiles. "Sounds incredible."

"It is." His face goes dark. "It usually is. But with Hydra's hard knowing who to trust."

"Ursa told me that she and Hydra were a thing at one point." Cygnus said. "I can't even imagine it."

Corvus smiles a little. "I was created while they were together. It just seemed right to see them like that. A lot of Star Keepers were created by the both of them. Scorpius was."

Cygnus frowns. "This must be so hard for her."

"Harder than any of us could imagine. Dating just isn't something many of us think about. We can't reproduce, isn't that why mortals date?"

She laughs. "Well, there's more to it than that. We-" she corrects herself. "They date and have children because they're in love."

Corvus nods slowly. "I've never loved anyone."

Cygnus looks at him. " care for the Star Keepers, that's a type of love. It's like family love."

"Family love? What do you mean?"

"Take me for instance. Well, my mortal family. Anyway, I love my mom and dad...and brother, but not in the way we were just discussing. We care for each other." Cygnus says.

"What clarifies the difference? How do I know when I'm in love vs when I just family love someone?"

Cygnus clears her throat. "Attraction." She says. "If you think of someone in a certain way that involves more than just hanging around with them...that's attracted love."

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