Chapter 15- The Jackson's secret

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(Ok fan fic readers I am giving you a sneak peek of the next chapter because it is still in progress and might take a little while to write since I am sick)By the way I do not own Pjo series or Hoo)



AGHHHHHHH, I woke up to a blinding pain in my head. I Felt like someone had pulled out my insides making me want to collapse. In the pit of my stomach I had a feeling of dread and I felt scared. Had something scared me last night, I don’t remember anything but Percy screaming and Grover’s awful music. For his birthday maybe I should get him some sheet music, I shuddered just thinking about that song made me want to run away. I slid out of bed and in to the kitchen, I Made some coffee and sat down at the table looking at the newspaper. When I heard someone walk into the kitchen. It was Percy he was bleary eyed like he didn’t get enough sleep and had his shirt of.


 I said he just nodded and  went to the fridge. That’s when I noticed the cut, It went from his shoulder to his mid torso. It looked old like a scar that was slowly fading away. I had never noticed this before. But there was something about this scar that made me uneasy like something in my head was telling me it’s new. What could Percy have done to get that. Instead of Pouring himself a glass of OJ he got water instead a whole pitcher of it. He drank glass after glass until he got to the last bit of water he poured it over his head.  He looked more energized I would say but it must have been that he just woke himself up. He Put it in the sink and went back to his room probably to sleep some more. But as he was leaving I was curious to see the cut again. As he was leaving i looked at his back and almost dropped my mug. There was no cut. No scar, nothing just skin like the scar had never been there. I felt like I should run away something was not right about the Jacksons and I think it’s about time I found out.

“Sally I’m going to the supermarket do you need anything?” I yelled almost out of the door.

“Yeah we need milk Paul” she called from our room

                As I walked to the super market I thought of all the possibilities of Percy’s secret. Maybe he’s in a gang or maybe he’s like a mobster…..Paul your imagination is getting away from you. Great just great I’m having a conversation with myself. I pushed the cart around the store and  got milk, eggs ……

Half an hour later

“Paul” I hear Percy’s voice call from the kitchen

“yeah it’s me” I reply. I bring the grocery’s to the kitchen and start to put them away when I see Percy nervously fidgeting  pieces of thread from his shirt and  tapping his foot lost in thought.

“you okay? you seem nervous” I ask putting away the milk in the fridge. He stands up quickly

“Paul we need to talk” He says quickly. I nod confused  “you may want to sit down” he continues motioning the seat across from him. He looks like he’s thinking about how to start.

“I don’t know how to say this………I’ve only told one other person and that’s Rachel…… do I start” I look at him confused he seems so nervous like if he tells me I’m going to send him to an insane asylum.

“go on” I say wondering where this is headed.

“well  I’m not like you, or Rachel or my mom or any of the kids at school…..well maybe a few kids at school are like me” I raise one eyebrow.

“Well Percy you’re different than other kids you’re mature for your age if that’s what you’re trying to say.

“no…..that’s not what I was getting at” he said carefully. He got out of his chair and paced the kitchen

“Paul I might as well get this over with but………tell me have you ever noticed anything strange about me” he tried again looking at me.

I laughed  “Percy no list would be big enough to list all of those things” he smiled but it was gone a second later.

“Paul… I’m not sure if my mom told you this but have you ever heard stories about what happened to me at school?” he asked I shook my head no I had heard some but I forgot.

“Well when I was little ….and in preschool they found snakes in my crib when I was put down for a nap, somehow I had strangled them, then there was the time when a man stalked me on the play ground but people wouldn’t believe me when I told them that he had one eye…..” he rushed out these words like he was afraid I was going to stop him.

“my point I” he continued “ Strange things happen to me at every school I go to strange things happen to me.” I wanted him to get to the point because so far I had no idea where this conversation was headed.

“It all started when I was 12 and we went on a trip to the metropolitan museum……”

“so….you’re a demigod” on the outside I was acting calm but on the inside I was freaking out, part of me said he was crazy and the other part screamed this is SO COOOL.

He nodded

“and your father Is Poseidon ”  he nodded.

“so you want to go play some basketball we haven’t played in a while” He looked at me strangely and then grinned.

“sure Paul I’ll go get the ball” I nodded but I wasn’t really listening I was processing all of the information he had just told me. My step son is a demigod that means that he is half god. Oh god…sorry oh Gods thank you for letting me meet Sally Jackson the love of my life and Percy Jackson the best/strangest stepson ever. Thank the gods He’s not in a gang well I’d rather him be in a gang then tell me lies. I still wasn’t sure about if he was telling the truth or not. But he looked me in the eye the whole time….

“Paul you ready” Percy called

“Yeah, sure lets go”

I said, I realized I could care less if Percy was a demigod heck he could be some mutant alien teenage ninja turtle for all I care. But no matter what he Is, he is my son and always will be.

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