Chapter 16- Dog?

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Okay sorry i havent uploaded i have been digesting the mark of athena information.......anyway just wanna say I HATE Rick Riordan not only because he left that book on such a cliffhanger that i would like to scream or because he owns Percy Jackson and the olympians its the book thing. I DO NOT OWN PJO SERIES I WISH I DID THOUGH RICK RIORDAN OWNS THEM.


            I got to say I think I am handling the whole demigod thing pretty well. I mean at least I know that Sally and Percy think that. Really I just think that they are pulling some kind of prank on me. But a small voice in my head keeps on saying

“it all make sense now”

But I pushed that thought aside and walked into my class room. I had 934 2 period, I started writing on the board the do now and agenda for today when my boss (the principal) came in.

“Paul” she motioned for me to sit down.

“yes Ms. Stelas”

“We need to have a conversation about your stepson Perseus” she started, I nodded to let her know that I was listening.

“we’ve got a problem, he has been skipping school lately with the excuse of being sick. But he hasn’t reported to the nurses office. He was seen by a student walking away with a girl that is still yet to be identified away from the school. Before it ended.” She finished tapping her foot annoyed.

“well what did this girl look like?” I asked politely I had no idea where this conversation was going.

“oh I don’t know, stringy brownish blonde hair… a bandana. That’s not the point Paul” she said getting annoyed but continued.

“Your son has also been seen with a dog in school. He brought his dog to school during a test……we have a zero animals policy……” before she could keep on taking bout a disgrace it was to have dogs in school I cut her off.

“what dog…..we don’t have a dog” I stared at her blankly. She shook her head sadly

“Paul this is your dog” she said pulling out her phone and showing me a picture of Percy on the stage of the auditorium with a poodle.

“I’m sorry Ms. Stelas….but this is the first and only time I have seen that dog” I told her seriously. She sighed then spoke in a tired voice 

“just try to keep Percy in line…..he can’t skip anymore classes or bring his dog to school or I will be forced to suspend him” she gave me a look and walked out of my classroom thinking, “what dog?”

Question: okay you answer the question then i uload the next chapter by tommorow so please please comment

In the Mark of Athena what is the tribute that Percy makes to Mr. D/Mr. B?

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