Week 2// Rehearsal

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Elizabeth's POV

"Okay we're gonna start with pyramid" Miss Abby shouts as she rolls in.

Top - Elizabeth and Brady

Middle - Gianina and Savannah

Bottom - Sarah, Hannah and Lilly

"Now our soloists are going to be Lilly with "Mommy dearest" and
Savannah with "Metamorphosis".

Brady and Elizabeth will be doing a duet called "Scary Sweetheart"
(Another Brynn dance peopleee)

Oh Jesus take the wheel and drive me off a cliff. Seriously of all peopleeee! What have I done to deserve this...

Brady's POV

We are rehearsing Scary Sweetheart and now that I'm close up, I realised that Elizabeth's actually kinda cute. Platinum blonde hair that looks like soft snow and beautiful glittery blue eyes that look like the ocean, WAIT WHAT!? Brady snap out of it,  you're meant to hate her!!

I snapped out of my daze only to see a hand waving in front of my face.

"Are you okay?" Elizabeth asked rather quietly.

"Yeah I'm fine, where were we Miss Abby?" I responded, still in a slight daze and I feel my cheeks heat up.

"At the end, where Elizabeth picks you up by the shirt and then drops you back on the ground." Miss Abby replied with a slight smirk after seeing that small moment between the two.

We finished the routine off and polished it up a bit then sent Savannah for her solo and I'm still thinking about Elizabeth for some reason

"Hey Brady,  you okay?" Lilliana had walked up to me after seeing me space out.

"Yeah I'm fine!" I said finally snapping out of my daze again.

"Oh okayyy!" She replied cheerfully and skipped back over to Elizabeth and Presley with a slight smirk on her face.

Lilliana's POV

Brady totally likes Elizabeth!!#Bradeth

I told Eliza and Press that they should come over to my house (so we can see if Lizzy likes Brady too hehehehe.)

I told Pres that we have to try and get Lizzy to tell us whether she likes Brady or not and I can't wait! I'm so exciteeeed!

~Time skip brought to you by my red converse~

~Time skip brought to you by my red converse~

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(What Elizabeth is wearing ^^)

Elizabeth's POV

We finally pulled up at Lilly's house after a while of chatting and as soon as we get inside the house we run up the stairs to Lilly's room which had clothes piles everywhere!

I start cleaning it already while we chatted.

"Sooo Lizzy, what do you think of Brady

"Ummm w-well.. I mean h-he's c-cute and has a good p-personality, but I think he's h-hates me.."

"OMG you totally like him!!" Presley squealed with absolute excitement and happiness

Of course they also told Hannah, who fangirled like craaaazy like whaaaat hahaha!

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