Week 2//Competition

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(Oh my god tan jazz shoes ooooft)

Lilly's POV

I need to tell Brady that Eliza likes him so that he can fiiiinally tell her!

He seemed spaced out again,  wonder if he's thinking about her hehehehehehe...!

But Lizzy seems to think that Brady hates her... hmmmmm...

Elizabeth's POV

We finally arrived at the competition and settled in our dressing room. I seemed to get lost in thought... Brady looks cute today.. Wait WHAT! Elizabeth stoooop,  he most likely hates you anyways........

I finally finished my hair and makeup and got ready for the duet.
(The outfit's in the media)

Brady's POV

I looked over at Elizabeth and I honestly think she's adorable.

But I can't keep admiring her (for now) cause it's nearly time to go on stage.

*After the dances, in the dressing room*

Elizabeth's POV

I actually felt good about the dances this week except the group plus I think I sickled my foot slightly towards the end. I just hope Abby didn't notice.

"So how do you think the duet and the solos were??" Joanne said with an annoyed undertone, probably because Gianina didn't win.

"Well I for one though the solos were lovely and the duet was beautiful." Mum answered back with a soft motherly tone.

Everyone was silent after that as Abby enters the room. Everybody is anxious to hear Abby's critics.

"The duet was powerful, good job Brady and Elizabeth." Miss Abby praised us which means hopefully she didn't notice my foot.

"But the group dance was a mess, you guys looked like ugly ducklings out there, it better not happen again!" Abby eventually left for the awards.

We sat on stage and held hands for good luck, I ended up holding Lilly and Brady's hands. When I noticed Brady and I were holding hands, I went bright red...



1st - Metamorphous

2nd - Mommy Dearest

3rd - (Random Solo)


1st - Scary Sweethearts

2nd - (Random Trio)

3rd - (Random Duet)


1st - (Random Studio and Dance)

2nd - ALDC Haka

3rd - ( Random Studio and Dance)

Oooh noooo we got second, Abby hates second!!!

Abby was angry so she avoided speaking to us and we went home pretty quietly. I wonder what will happen tomorrow...

To be Continued....

(Sorry if this looks rushed, I forgot about it for a while plus it's pretty late at the moment please forgive me if it's messy!)

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