Chapter 2❤

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It's been almost an hour and a half, geez if I thought I was late for school before, I'm definitely late now and what sucks the most is that I can't use my phone because we're under ground. 

"So Korra, What school do you go to?" He asked me. Oh wow can this guy not see my uniform? Usually I would say something but he seems nice enough so I just show him the symbol on my blazer.

"Oh, I see you go to West Hill" he said knowingly

"Ya and I'm guessing you go to knights row?" I say playing dumb. "You guessed it" he replied with a cute little smile at the end. That smile can probably make any girl swoon.

As I  was about to reply the intercom comes back on "I am sorry to inform all passengers that the delay is going to take alot longer than expected, you should be able to continue onto your destination in about another hour or so. Thank you for your understanding."

By this point I am about to Flip.My.Fucking.Shit! "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?!? ACTUALLY?" I didn't notice how loud I was until I saw everyone staring at me...including Kai. Oh my lord, I did not just spaz in public and in front of a kai.

"Um, are you good?" Kai has a concerned yet worried look on his face. "Ya totally, besides being stuck about 10ft underground, still late to school which is going to ruin my perfect attendance record!!" It's official I have finally snapped.

"Chill Korra it isn't that big of a deal" 

"To you maybe, but to me it's a big fucking deal!!" I should probably calm down but for some reason I can't

"Wow is being stuck with me bad?" he said in a humorous way but I can hear the saddness in his words. "NO! It's not that I'm stuck with you. Why would being stuck with you be bad? you're pretty fucking hot..." I slap my hands onto my mouth before I can ramble anymore. oh my fucking shit, that did not just happend.

I continue to sit there with my hands over my mouth, just stareing at Kai with his jaw wide open. As time goes by his mouth starts to turn into a giant smirk. and now the real torture starts. "So you think I'm hot? huh?" I could feel my checks start to heat up and I just stare at my hands on my lap.

"Don't worry about it sweet cheeks, you're not so bad yourself" he said with a wink. My cheeks by this point are probably lite up like a fire siren. "Oh, you hush!" I say only making him laugh clearly amused by my embarrassment. 

I pulled out my phone and just put in my earphones and played my favourite song, when I'm gone by Eminem. Eminem is seriously one of my favourites well next to birdy, I love all kinds of music. Apperently my music was alot louder then I thought because beside me I heard a "Wow" I turn to Kai

"Problem?" I asked with a raised eyebrow

"No not at all, it's just that I didn't really expect for you to like Eminem"

"Is it because I am a girl?" I said feeling a Little hurt

"No that isn't the reason, it's because you don't seem like the type."

"And what exactly is my type, huh?" now I'm less hurt and mostly angry

"Um no, I'm just saying you are pretty uptight, kind of nerdy...."

"Well sorry to break it to you, you don't know me so don't try to pretend that you do." I felt sort of bad for cutting him off but I just couldn't stop

"would you let me finish!?!" He combed his fingers through his hairs out of frustration " I am sorry that I yelled at you, but I was also going to say how I think you're kind of cute and funny" he said scratching the back of his neck and I'm pretty sure I saw a hint of pink on his checks.

"Awww, are you blushing?" he was so cute I just wanted to pinch his cheeks but of course I had to lay back on that.

"Shut up." he muttered with his cheeks getting brighter. I break out laughing, clutching my stomach while everyone looks at me as if i'm crazy.....which I probably am. When I finally calm down, I realize how sleepy I am. 

I lay back into my seat next to kai and just put my earphone into one of my ears, having loose myself by eminem blast through it. I offer the other one to kai and we just sit there humming to the beat and soon after I am consumed with darkness, feeling a soft shoulder under my head

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