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Home life sucks too,

This is so hard. If you ever meet me do not sing or him or clap skinny love, I will cry my eyes out.

Everytime I would be sitting on the bathroom floor, watching the Scarlett red blood drip neatly off the freshly cut leg, that song would be in my head.

Sometimes at night, the voices in my head recite it to me, I will lie there crying and rocking myself to sleep.

I have a sleeping disorder. The earliest I got to sleep is one, lately its been keeping me up til three but ahh well.

Anyways - home life.

Mum and dad are always moody and arguing and my brother stands up for me and my little sister.

Last time he did though. Dad turned round and threatened to knock him out, my brother ran out the house and only returned when my dad went for a drive.

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