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"Sure thing" Freddie agreed. He then weirdly bowed and extended his hand towards you "Mademoiselle? he asked
-Oh great! Yesterday it was Spanish, now it's French! complained the blonde." 
Freddie sighted and you giggled. You looked him in the eyes, took his hand and, in an obnoxious voice, said "Monsieur".  He turned around, still holding your hand and left the apartment. Oddly enough, his fingers around yours felt warm and comforting, making you blush a bit. He let go of your hand as you crossed the hallway and led you to the guest room. 
"Here, you can put your bags right there, he pointed at the corner of the room. I hope you'll like it! You'll sleep here, he lightly tapped on the mattress."
You smiled, thanked him for letting you stay at his place and suggested you'd go back to Carly's. He rubbed his nape and replied, "Uh, yeah sure!". You both headed to the flat and found Sam and Spencer trying to spell the alphabet backwards.
"What exactly is going on? you questioned.
-Oh! Good, you're here Freddie. Go get me a smoothie, ordered Sam
-Hey, hey, hey, go get it yourself, he's not your domestic! you took offence.
-Excuse me, what did you just say? she answered.
-I told you to get it yourself, you're not five anymore.
-Thanks, Y/N but you don't have to do that, Freddie interjected.
-Of course, I do, she shouldn't treat you like that.
-I swear if you tell me one more time what to do, I'm gonna hit you so hard that you're going to regret coming to Seattle in the first place.
-Okay, okay, we'll get your smoothie! No need to threaten us like that. Which one do you want?
-He'll know, she briefly lifted her arm in Freddie's direction."
You walked out of the living room and whispered: "Jeez, what a dick."

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