4 - A surreal day

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Okay! Before we start this chapter, I wanted to say a HUGE thank you for 1.5k views! I honestly started this book out of boredom and never thought that I'd hit that number so soon or ever. And thank you for your support! It's really sweet having all of you commenting about how you love my work when english is not my first language.
Also sorry if the updates are kinda really irregular, I've just had a TONE of homework since 11th grade started and can't be that active.
Anyways, thank you again for reading this fanfiction!


You turned around to face Freddie, and energetically said : "Come on! Let's get her that smoothie! Maybe we could even stop for one!
-I uh... I don't really know about that, she might get mad, he nervously retorted.
-I don't care about what she thinks! It's not up to her to decide whether you get a smoothie or not, you angrily claimed."
You turned around and started walking towards the staircase, seeing Freddie wasn't following you, you looked at him and asked: "Well?". The guy quickly followed you after pointing out that he was coming.
A few minutes later, you came into the smoothie shop. As you were wating in line, you asked Freddie : "So, want anything? It's on me!
-Uhm sure what the hell! I'll get a Red Forest.
-Oooh, great choice! I'll get a Starlight."
You both sat down at a table when you got your drinks.
"So what's up with Sam, she seems a little... tense?
-Oh, she's always been like that.
-Seems kind of like a bully to me...
-Yeah, she's not the nicest but at least she can be really funny.
-Sounds kinda toxic...
-Well, I don't really wanna talk about it...
-Oh sorry, didn't mean to upset you.
-No it's just, she's finally not here, I'd rather not talk about her.
-It's okay, tell me about your work on iCarly, I'd love to hear about it."
He went on and on about his job and how he helped Carly and Sam on their show. You didn't care so much about how the whole mechanics of the work, you just loved seeing that glimmer in someone's eye when they talked about something they were passionate about more than anything. But the enthusiasm he was showing was just like no other.
You spent what seemed like half an hour talking about stuff you loved. And finally got back to the apartment. You opened the door, Sam's smoothie in hand, revealing Spencer and Carly watching TV.
"Where did Sam go? you asked.
-She went home like ten minutes ago, the brunette answered.
-Really? We went all the way to the smoothie shop for her and she didn't even bother staying?! you called out.
-I don't know, she seemed pretty upset, claimed Spencer.
-Why would she be upset, we're the ones who had to get her stupid drink, you wondered, briefly and angrily raising her drink as a sign of exasperation.
-Hey, calm down, she's always like that, stated Freddy in an attempt to calm you down.
-Yeah, sorry, she's just starting to get on my nerves, you tensly apologized. Anyway, what are you watching?"
Freddie and yourself joined the siblings for the rest of the movie. As you were looking around, you realized that being here felt really surreal to you. You were used to watching those guys on your small iPhone screen and now they were here, in front of you. You were watching TV with them.
If a few months ago, anyone would have told you you would befriend your favorite people on the internet you would have simply laughed at their face. But now, your arm was slightly touching Freddie's, which felt oddly comfortable but  most importantly made it all so real.
Soon enough, lost in your reflection, you fell asleep in front of the TV, as you usually did.

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