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Have you ever thought that your life was slowly spiraling out of control? That with every step you take, the door to your demise is drawing closer? Sometimes I find it funny how a few words can completely and totally describe me. That is if I even feel in the mood to laugh, which is a rare occurance, trust me.

Questions? I believe that a few of you have at least one. You others... hurry up and think of a few. I'm giving you ten seconds.

Got one now? You better, because it's pointless for me to be writing this if whatever question you are thinking of right now isn't going to be answered.

Who here has an Instagram account? For those who do, have you ever seen or had to fill out those '10 things about me'? Well, I'm basically doing one of those now, so here we go:

1) My name is Annaleise, but you can refer to me as Ana.

2) I am currently 13 years old, even though I don't feel like it.

3) I am 5' 4''; for all of you who are wondering what this is for, I'm saying I'm a midget.

4) I have natural red hair that fades to black (that's dyed).

5) I'm two years above my grade level in Math, Science, and English/Language Arts, so I'm currently in 10th grade for those classes, even though I'm in 8th grade.

6) I am obsessed with the Graphic Novel Series 'Amulet', Lindsey Stirling, and Linkin' Park.

7) I have two younger (annoying) sisters, who mirror my every move and are total jerks about it.

8) My eyes are bright green. IDK why I put that, don't ask.

9) I am super sarcastic, but I can tune it down when I want.

10) I have Anorexia Nervosa.

Oh my, did number 10 shock you? Well, studies show that people who have high expectations and have other people thinking highly of them are more likely to have mental disorders. Hey, I know that's true, at least.

Now you want to know why I even created this story. Well, it's to inform you. No, not like those sugar-coated (eww) lectures about why you should "love yourself for who you are" or "be happy with yourself", it's serious information. Deal with it.

So... I bet you want to know how my ED started. Well, I consider myself split in two; one is Annaleise, the other Ana. I respond to both, although Ana stands for Anorexia. Fun, huh? Well, around the time I turned 13, people started to notice the weight I had put on. I was about 108 pounds at the time. Since then (it's been about 1 month), I've lost 6.5 pounds, so I'm 101.5. In my mind, that fat as crap. In yours, it probably isn't. That's what people always think about Anorexics; that they don't know what they're doing. But no, I know just what I'm doing, thank you very much. And I want to stop. But I can't.

That's all I want to say for now. See you down the never-ending road.



Hey, everyone. I'm E, and I'm the writer of this story. Thank you so much if you read this, it means a lot to me.

Annaleise is a fictional character I created to raise awarness about Anorexia Nervosa, a serious mental condition. Why, you ask? Because I can.

In time, I hope you come to be close to Ana and her troubles, and maybe for a few of you, feel empathy for her. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I'm not going to deny you.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2014 ⏰

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