Chapter 5

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I woke up at 9 pm. I groaned in annoyance when I failed at going back to sleep. My wolf was feeling restless so I changed into a dark blue sorts bra and black workout shorts. I walked out of my house and into the woods barefoot.

Once making it to a clearing I shifted into my wolf. I let out a long, loud howl and took off running. I keep my wolf take over and found myself in front of a beautiful lake a few moments later. I laid down on a large rock overlooking the shimmering water and admired the sight. The moon was reflected in the lakes crystal clear water.

I heard a twig snap behind me and immediately jumped up into a defensive position. I bared my teeth and snarled a warning. Not but a second later, my mates large, black wolf emerged from the bushes.

I straightened up and relaxed when I saw him. I meet him halfway to my position and sighed with comfort when he pressed his warm body close to mine.

What are you doing out here alone?  He spoke through oh mind link, sounding worried.

My wolf was restless and needed to run. I responded in a calm tone. I felt him relax as I replied.

Oh. You should get back. It's 1 in the morning.   1 IN THE MORNING?! I didn't know I was out here that long. I walk you home.

With that said we began, our long and silent journey home. My house came into view and I stopped at the back door.

Goodnight Tatum. I love you. He pressed his nose against my neck in a lovinh manner and licked my muzzle. I did the same.

I love you too Justin. Be careful. I walked into my house and shifted back. I quickly made my way upstairs and put on pajamas.

Once I was settled in bed, my mind replayed all of tonight's events. I stared at the ceiling for a while until sleep overcame me.

\\ ♡♡ //

The next morning I woke up at 7:00. I jumped out of bed and showered.

As I was getting out of the shower, my mew friend, Jay, texted me. She's a she-wolf in our pack and is a freshman in high school.

Jay: hey loser! u wanna go shopping with me today? yes? ok. b there in 15. love u

Tate: u didnt give me much choice there XD

Jay: nope cuz i kno u would say no.

I laughed and set my phone down. I slipped on my undergarments and walked to my closet. I put on a black, high-waisted, skater girl skirt and a cropped, floral tank top. I tucked the hem of the top into the waist band of my skirt and looked at my reflection in my full body mirror.

I squinted at my reflection and grabbed black, thigh high socks and my floral combat boots. I put them on along with my black cardigan thats hem ends mid-thigh. I blow dried my hair and left it in its loose waves. I then applied minimal make up before grabbing my phone and going to my living room. Just as I was about to sit on my couch, the doorbell rang.

I opened it to find Jay standing there with an excited look on her face.

"Lets get this over with." I mumbled and followed my rambling best friend to her car.



Well? Was the wait worth it? The chapter 7 will be a fast forward chappie to speed this story along. Picture of Tatum on the side.

stay lovely my gorgeous readers♡


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