Chapter 8

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My large paws pounded against the forest floor as I raced through the forest. I let my wolf take over and soon ended up at an all to familiar lake. It was the lake I was at the night before I rejected Justin.

I sighed and sat down, looking at the moons reflection shimmer on water of the lake. It was beautiful. I didn't here anyone approaching due to my trance like state and jumped when a cold, dark voice spoke.

"My, my, my what do we have here? The alphas mate. What a coincidence." The male voice spoke. I took a whiff of the air and instantly knew he was a rogue. I turned and faced him and bared my teeth threateningly.

"Stay away from me." I growled at the red wolf.

"Oh, I'm so scared." He taunted. "You're coming with me." His unfriendly eyes were trained on me as he stalked forward. When he got too close I lashed out and scratched his eye, effectively leaving a claw mark across his left eye.

"You want to do this the hard way? Fine." He crouched, prepared to attack me when a loud, dominating growl resonated through the forest.

"Get away from my mate Ryan." Justin's large black wolf came to stand in between me and the other wolf by the name of Ryan. Ryan smiled a wicked smile and stood up, backing away a foot or two.

"Oh come on. We were just having a little fun. Right Tatum?" I responded with a growl.

"Stay away from her or next time I won't hesitate to rip your throat out." Justin towered over Ryan and was very intimidating. With a nod of his head and a unfriendly smirk, he stalked away into the forest.

As soon as Ryan was out of sight, Justin flipped around to me, inspecting my white body.

"Are you alright? Did he do anything to you? What happened?" Justin fired off questions, me unable to answer.

"Whoa slow down. I'm fine. He didn't do anything. He just creeped up on me and tried to take me." He sighed in relief but then tensed up.

"Let's get you home." I didn't argue and walked silently beside him.

What was that about?


This is sord of a filler but whatevs.

You guys should go check out my other story called Rare.



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