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Hey my lovlies I just wanted to thank you agin for all the votes and support I'm getting so yea please keep it up! Vote, share, and comment on this story please! It would be greatly appreciated thanks, enjoy this chappie💕

I sit at the dinner table blankly staring at the food that sits in front of me unable to eat. It's been atleast two weeks since the incident.

I grieve every night over them until my eyes are dry, until no more tears will come out. "You have to eat." Zayn says. I look up at him, my blank facial expression not altering.

I stare back down this time at my hands. I fumble with them. I also have not said a full sentence since me and Zayn's talk in the closet.

Only bits and pieces of words rarely. There's just no use to talk, or eat, or do anything. I know he's right though about being strong for Ethan. It's just hard to do so right now.

Then there is a knock at the door. Zayn rises and goes to open the door. I do not move and just sit at the table. "Sorry forgot my key to get in." I hear Liam's voice say.

"No problem bro." Zayn replies. Then their voices go to hushed whispers. Talking about me no doubt.

Jade comes into the kitchen and sits down beside me. Her lips form a bit of a smile as our eyes meet. We hold this stance for a few brief seconds till I look away.

I don't know if she wanted me to smile back but I just can't force myself to do it. "We miss you." She says.

Miss me? I'm here what is she talking about? "What?" I whisper making a quick glance at he as the words roll off my tongue.

"We miss Stacey. The lovable, friendly, cheerful girl we all came to know and love. We want her back." She says.

This for some reason rises a bit of anger in the pit of my stomach but I let it sizzle instead of burst. "She's gone." I simply reply.

"No, no she's not. She's still there inside you and we all know it. When the going gets tough you have to push through you have to forget about the past and go on with the future." She says.

That's when my tolerance snaps. "You want me to just forget! Forget about everything that has happened! It's easy to say but what if you were here in my shoes. A widow with a dead daughter! Wishing everyday you could hold your precious daughter or get held by your loving husband once more. Think about that!" I scream.

I quickly rise from my chair and run into my room. I slam the door shut and slide down upon the back of it.

Tears slide out of my eyes. I slam my fist on the ground in anger and sadness. I can't do it anymore, I really can't.

I've lost so many loved ones up to this point. So many of them just slipping out of my life. I should have taken his place. I should have saved my little girl. I should have!

But I didn't.....

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