Memorial Part 1

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There was not a funeral. Because the police couldn't find their bodies and having a funeral without the bodies present would be obsern as the priest called it when we went to him asking him to administer one.

So today we have their memorial we call it. A day to celebrate their coming unto this earth and also grieve over their leaving. No certain attire asked for this event but seeing as I am the mother and wife I will attend in all black as a sign of respect. The black dress that Harry proposed to me in. The night that began our lives together.

The memorial is going to be held in the park. So many memories of us there... Ethan won't be attending though. He might find out what's happening and I don't want him to go through the pain of loosing someone yet. He's going to be staying with an old friend of my mothers that lives by the park.

Maybe after this memorial I may have some peace but its most unlikely. I slip into my dress and black heels and look at myslef in the mirror. I now look like an old image of my former self. Scars lay faint on my wrists. My stomach small from the constant times of 'forgetting a meal'.

My face and skin pale as snow seeing now I don't get out that much. All of this because of loosing them. I never thought I would loose them so I never thought I would look like this, feel like this.

I put on some mascara and that's all. I don't feel as if I need to look like a beauty queen to this event just being myself. That's the way they saw me so that's the way I will be attending. But I do slip the locket on that Harry gave me only weeks before all of this happened.  

It witholds inside of it a picture of me and Harry and on the other side a picture of Amelia and Ethan. I don't open it though, because every time I do I cry.

I grab my purse and walk out of my room closing the door behind me. I walk into the living room and everyone waits there. The boys wear suits and the girls wear dresses. Adam is going to his grandmother's house so Zayn is already gone and he also said he would take Ethan too my mothers friends house and meet us there.

Ever since I've been this way Zayn has been there for me. Sorta like a brother to me. I mean Bryce and Liam me actual brothers were here for me to but since Zayn sorta knows how I'm feeling his words help more.

We all pile into two cars and head down to the park. Liam sits beside me in the back seat with his arm around me and I lay my head on his shoulder. He knows how hard this is going to be for me. To hear about them, to kinda relive the moments with them.

I will be speaking but I prepared no exact words for what I'm going to say. I'm just going to say what comes in my heart.

When we pull into the park's parking lot many cars are already parked there. We park by Zayn's car and get out. He was waiting in his car so he gets out. He walks over too us and we all walk to the memorial event.

Everyone seems to stare at me as we walk by. That's when I see her, Harry's mum Anne. She stands in front of the memorial section for Harry. She continues crying. I walk over to her and she sees me.

She hugs me and I embrace her back. ''I'm so sorry for your loss.'' She says to me. ''I'm sorry for yours.'' I reply. She never got to meet Amelia but I can still tell she's mourning over her loss too as she walks over to Amelia's memorial section and continues to cry. That's when Harry's dad Desmond and her daughter Gemma Harry's sister comes to comfort her.

I can't bear to look at the photos of them so I just sit down in the first row of seats lined up for the service. I feel the tears setting in the back of my eyes. All of these people here for their memorial. Some people I'm not even sure I know.

Then I see Kaden and the rest of his gang, even Ryan showed.

{Kaden and the gang are the homless men and woman that Stacey met in the second book and were also seen in various ocassions throughout the book they also live in Stacey's mother's old house which makes them no longer homeless}

Ryan has changed though. We are friends and I forgave him for mostly everything. They walk over to me and I rise from my seat. "I'm so sorry for your loss." Mindy says. I nod and they all hug me.

They go and take a seat in a row of chairs and that's when I actually start looking at the people who showed up. All the boys parents came including my real ones. I'm still not that friendly with them but I see that they came and I respect that seeing as Amelia was their granddaughter. They did actually meet her on several occasions.

I also notice my sister Lisa is here too standing with a group of people. I stare at them a while then finally recognize them. They are my old friends I met in prison.

My brother Bryce is here too he brought my little brother Alex who spent the night with him, but he lives with us and I raise him. {He's 16 btw if you don't remember.}

Everyone is here. Here to remember them to grieve and celebrate with us. Everyone begins taking their seats and of course the family sits in the front row. My mother, father, Liam, Lisa, Bryce, Alexander, Harry's mother, Harry's stepfather, and me. The boys {aka ya know the 1D guys} and the girls {aka their girls, Stacey's besties}

Zayn volunteered to host the event and I willingly agreed seeing as I certainly wasn't strong enough too. He steps up to the podium and begins to speak.

''We gather you all here today to have the memorial of Harold and Amelia Styles. They lived throughout their days happily with their family. With us. They changed many peoples lives in ways unimaginable. Bringing other happiness and working in others lives in a way which only you would know if they touched your life. A few weeks ago a tragic thing happened. We lost these two wonderful people. We will miss them though we know they are in a brighter better place. Today we not only mourn over the loss of them but celebrate the grand lives they lived.'' Zayn continues on after this but at this point I've broken down.

Unable to process what he's saying because all the memories of them start floding back into my mind. Tears run down my cheeks as I duck my head down. I can't do this. I thought I could but I can't. I hold my throat unable to breath. Liam notices me silently sobbing and puts his arm around me.

After Zayn is done speaking he asks for volunteers to speak. The first person too volunteer is Louis. I watch as he steps up to the podium. "Harry was an amazing guy, my best friend in fact. I don't know how life will be without him but I know us ,his family, will carry on because that's what he would want. He always wanted the best for his family. Not only me, Liam, Zayn, and Niall, but his closest family like his mum, dad, and sister. But most importantly his wife Stacey and two children Ethan and Amelia. Though Amelia and Harry are now gone they will always be remembered in our minds and on our hearts." He says ending it as he nears tears.

Everyone politely claps as Louis staggers back to his seat. I turn around to look at him and I see him slouched over his face burried in his hands and Isabella trying to comfort him. I turn back around facing the front. We wait for any more volunteers but much are too broken to speak right now.

That's when I rise from my seat and collect myself enough to walk to the podium.


Hey guys. I know this took awhile but it took me awhile to A. Figure up an Idea what I was going to write about. B. Actually sit down and type it LoLz. So there it is I must admit I did shed a few tears while writing this and this is only part 1 of their memorial. Hope u guys enjoyed this chapter :-)

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