Memorial Part 2

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I take a deep breath and begin to speak. "They were such great people. My cheeky loving husband and my sweet kind daughter. Took from me.... Oh how I miss them so." I say blinking the tears from my eyes so I can see.

"But I know we will all soon see them again. The day that comes will be a day of loss but also a day of gain." I say. As I finish I feel my knees buckle and I fall to the ground.

My brothers and Zayn rush to my aid and help me back into my seat. Others step up and talk about them and this just brings more tears to my and others eyes.

Once everyone who wants to has spoken we have a moment of silence to commend their deaths. Though its not much of silence.

There are silent sobs and sniffles. Some of these noises coming from me as a lay my head on Liam's shoulder. Then we all part ways and everyone returns to their homes after this sad partaking of events.

Sorry this was so short I just really wanted to update. Sorry! see you in the next chapter bye.

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