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Jisung POV
I groan seeing as there is weight on my chest and my back hurts Probably because I fell asleep on the couch. I look
down to see chenle sleeping on my chest 'He's so cute' I thought. His mouth was slightly parted and his his long eyelashes fell perfectly against his skin. 'How can a human being be so perfect.'

I check my Phone to see what time it is and it was only 11 o'clock at night so I decided to take chenle to the guest room seeing as I don't want him to wake up with a sore back I turn the TV off and carry chenle bridal style up the stairs.

Once I reached the guest room I opened up the door and placed him in the bed and tucked him under the covers. "Good night" I say before closing the door and walking towards my room down the hallway.


                             ~ In chenle's nightmare~

"Your so annoying why would anyone love an annoying brat like you" the voice said walking towards chenle with a knife in hand while chenle was tied to a chair with his head down looking at the floor. "I mean it's not like you have your precious jisung here to save you now" the person said while walking in circles around the chair.

"LEAVE ME ALONE I HAVE DONE NOTHING TO YOU" I say while struggling to get out of the chair.
"SHUT UP YOU DON'T TALK TO ME THAT WAY" the person says before slapping chenle and the chair falls over in the process causing chenle to lay on his side. 

"Chenle you know how much I love you right"
The person says as he lifts the chair up and strokes chenle's chin. "No Suengri I don't know" I say before snatching my face away and biting his hand causing him to bleed. "You little bitch your gonna pay for that" Suengri says before stabbing chenle in the stomach and pulling the knife out which leaves chenle gasping for air.



Chenle's POV
I shot up from the bed and started gasping for air as I tried to steady my breathing I look down to see my shirt was drenched in sweat 'ew now my shirt sweaty' but luckily for me jisung left spare clothes in the guest room I thought as I changed my shirt. 'It's ok chenle it was only a dream...yeah go back to sleep' I thought to myself as I tried to go back to sleep I kept tossing and turning as I tried to fall back asleep.

And obviously that didn't work so I looked at the clock and it was only one am. I knew if I tried to go back to sleep by myself it wouldn't work so I decided to do the next best thing. I got up from the bed put on my slippers and made my way towards jisungs room. The door was slightly cracked but I just stood there for a moment not knowing if I should go in and wake him up or not.

'Frick it' I thought before opening Jisungs door and making my way towards his queen size bed In the middle of his somewhat messy room and I knelled down on the side of the bed. "Jisungie wake up" I say whilst shaking him. "Chenle what do you want it's one in the morning" he groans as he turns over to look at the time then he looks at me. "I had a nightmare and now I can't go back to sleep" I say while kneeling on the side of the bed. "Alright you can stay in here with me I guess" he says as I crawl into the bed and lay on the side of him.

"Chenle what was your nightmare about?" He says as he faces toward me and wraps his arms around my waist making me the small spoon.  "I was in a chair
And Suengri was circling my chair a-and he had stabbed me because I talked back" I say as I clutch onto Jisungs shirt.

"It's ok Lele he cant hurt you anymore because I'm here" Jisungie says as one of his hand is playing with my hair and the other one is resting on my on waist.
"Thank you jisung"  "why are you saying thank you?" Jisung says as he looks down at me. "Because you've always been there for me when I needed you the  most and I don't know how to repay you"  "repay me for what?" Jisung says with a hint of confusion in his voice.

"For being my best friend" I say while looking up at him "so I'll do anything to repay you for all your acts of kindness" I say with a smile "anything" he says with a smirk but  I couldn't see it as my head was still buried in his chest. 'For some reason being wrapped in jisungs arms Makes me feel...safe and warm'  I thought as my eye lids started to get heavier and I had fallen asleep.

Jisungs POV
Anything' I thought to my self as I smirked. 'I want him to go on a date with me but I can't say that seeing as he still has a boyfrie-' I thought but before I could finish that thought I heard light snores coming from chenle. ' I guess he fell asleep' I smile "good night Lele sweet dreams" I kiss his forehead.
And soon after I also drift off into dreamland.


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