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Chenle POV
Not even what it felt like two seconds of me being dragged out of the lunch room by Suengri. I was slammed up against a wall then Suengri walked away from me and started wandering around the room. As I looked around I noticed how dark the room was, and from what I'm guessing its a discarded storage room or old classroom of some sort sewing as there's dusty books and old desks laying about but before my thoughts could wander anymore it happened.

'He's going into a rage again' I thought to myself while I shivered at the thought of what he might do to me this time. He started pacing back and forth around the room and muttering something inaudible and I knew in that moment all I could do was beg for mercy.

"Suengie please don't get mad at me." I say with pleading eyes but all I got in response was a crazed stare so I tried to begging him. "Suengie please I did nothing wrong I-" I got cut off by him grabbing my neck and slamming me up against the wall I grab his hands trying to loosen his grip from around my neck.

I started to cry hoping he would let me go. "DONT LIE TO ME YOU SLUT HE TOUCHED YOUR THIGH AND YOU DID NOTHING TO STOP IT NOR DID YOU SAY ANYTHING NEXT TIME DO SOMETHING." He yells all I could do was nod my head seeing as I couldn't speak seeing as his hand was still on my neck. When he let go I dropped to the ground and put my hand on my neck as I tried to steady my breathing.

He pulled me up by my collar and says "now who do you belong to!" He says putting my wrist up against the wall and gripping onto my wrists. "YOU!" I yell with my eyes closed. "Good." He says before pulling me into a back breaking hug. "I love you baby."   "I love you to Suengie."

After that all I saw was black.


Jisung POV
It's been two long hours since I've seen Chenle I think while closing my locker and throwing my bag over my shoulder. Last time I saw him was lunch and he was being dragged away by Suengri, wait Suengri. I run through the school looking for Suengri and I found him wandering around the hallway after searching for him for about 20 minutes.

"Hey Suengri have you seen Chenle by any chance?" I ask in a hurry "Um last time I saw him he was in one of these classrooms I forgot which one but he's in this hallway."

"Ok bye." I sprinted away and checked every classroom until I came across one classroom the door was open and the room was dimly light and dusty looking. I look around the room to see if anyone else was there then I see chenle out cold on the floor. I run over to him to see if he was okay.

I shake him a couple time to see if he would wake up and clearly that didn't work. "I guess I'll just have to do this the hard way." I say right before picking him up bridal style and grabbing his bag and put it on my other shoulder and walk out of the school.


                                  ~at jisungs house~
Jisung POV
I open up the door and lock it behind me "Mom I'm home!" I yell only to see a note on the counter that said 'I'll be gone for a month on a business trip there's food in the cabinet and some stuff in the fridge I also left some money in your room love - mom' "Oh she's gone." I carry Chenle up the stairs and I place him on my bed so he can be comfortable I stand there for a minute just admiring his features 'He looks so peaceful.' I thought before walking down stairs.

After I walked down stairs I go to make something to eat seeing as he'll wake up sooner or later and might be hungry. I made one of Chenle's favorite foods, chicken. When I was putting the food away I heard footsteps coming from the stairs.

"Your awake!" I say enthusiastically. "Yeah I am." Chenle says while sitting down on the sofa. "Are you hungry?" He shook his head as a no "I'm not hungry right now, I'll eat it later." I walk over to the couch and flop down next to him. I was trying to watch to watch TV but I kept getting distracted by Chenle so I just inspected his face and his features then notice a bruise on his neck and his wrists.

"Lele what's that?" I point at his neck and his wrists. "What's what?" He says with a hint of confusion in his voice. "This." I say grabbing his wrist and in the process rolling his sleeve up revealing a bunch of marks and bruises.

"It's nothing." he says snatching his wrist away and rolling his sleeve back down. "Ok if it's nothing why is there bruises and marks all over your arm and a bruise on your neck!"I screamed not knowing that I scared Chenle in the process. 'I'm furious who would do something like this to Chenle'I thought.
"I-" was all Chenle could get out before the tears started to spill down his checks.

"Jisungie please don't get mad at me" he sobbed.

"I'm not mad lele just tell me who did it"
"Ok you promise you won't get mad" he asks while sticking out his pinky finger.
"I promise" I say while intertwining our finger "so um you know how I had left the cafeteria with Suengri" he says while looking down at the floor "yes why?" I say while looking him dead in the eyes "well he took me into that classroom you had found me passed out in and well he was the one that caused me to collapse"

"What do you mean?" I say with a hint of anger in my voice. "Well he basically ʜɪᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʙᴇᴀᴛ ᴍᴇ until my body couldn't take it anymore and I collapsed" he  muttered quietly but loud enough that I still heard it. "HE WHAT" I yell to the point that it echoed around the house. " I thought I told you not to get mad" he say while pouting. "Lele this is not ok if he cares about you he wouldn't want to hurt you" I say while holding his hands. "But jisung he said he loves me was he lying to me all this time?" He says tears threatening to spill.

"Lele I guess he was but I know one thing for sure I will never let him hurt you again" I say while pulling him into a warm hug. "But jisung he said he loved me but he doesn't show it and to think I loved him back" he says sobbing in between his words. "It's ok Lele but don't you guys live to together?" I say while playing with his hair. "Yes but can I stay here for a while I don't wanna go back" "yes you can stay here for as long as you like"I say while cuddling into him. "But don't you have to ask your mom first?" "She's on a business trip plus she wouldn't mind having you over"

"Thank you jisungie" he says before shutting his eyes and falling asleep on my lap "your welcome Lele" I kiss his forehead and luckily for me he was already sound asleep and it wasn't long till I also feel asleep soon after.


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