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Nari POV

"You like him."

The words repeated itself in my head for the past two minutes. My brain started to hurt from all the chaos in my head.
My last three braincells were running around screaming they're heads out and bumping into each other.

'Double fucking shit.'

There was this total mess in my brain that I knew would be there for days or even weeks.
"H-how do you know?" I still managed to breath out.

"Let's go three weeks back, where you and Jimin had a meet up and he left at 11pm, because he had something urgent to do.
By that time Jungkook was already out with another girl. So he doesn't know it.

You and I were alone, since it was a weekday. Can you remember?"

It took a while to process the information and to recall what happened that night.
"Yeah. You were wiping the tables and I was sitting."

"It didn't took long to get you drunk. I'm not denying it that it was a funny sight to see you there singing all by yourself."
I rolled my eyes. "Get to the point YoonGay."

Ignoring my comment he said. "Starting to complain about your life and telling me how terrible everything was it went pretty sad.
You said you were happy to have us, what is pretty obvious since who wouldn't be thankful to have this."
Yoongi pointed at himself and shot me a smile.

"Anyways at one point you came to Jimin and admired him until I stuffed a rag into your mouth to shut you up-"

"How nice of you." I scrunched my nose.
"I know right?"

"I'm back. What did I miss?" Jimin took his seat next to me again.
"Nothing." I forced myself to appear a smile on my face.

"Bell just called me, because there was a movie that she wanted to see with me."

'Why can't she watch it by herself. It's not like he has to be there.'

"We are going to the cinema tomorrow." Jimin proudly said. "Good for her." I nodded before I took a shot of alcohol.

After a few rounds of alcohol, Jimin suddenly stood up. "I have to go. It's getting late and I still have a date tomorrow with Bell. Bye!"

He took his coat from the chair, waved to us and walked out of the bar. I was staring at the door where he disappeard while having this big lump in my throat.

"What are you going to do?" I heard Yoongi say behind me. "What do you mean?" Spinning around to him with the chair, I looked down to the floor.

"Jimin didn't paid his drinks yet and you are the only one still drinking. Do you have enough cash with you?"

I glared at him as hard as possible, but he just put his hands up. "Why are you glaring at me like that? I am not the one drinking. I am just the owner trying to earn his living."

"Just delete the whole Jimin thing I said when I was drunk in your mind. Okay? It should be no problem with the brain of yours."

"How nice of you to try to criticize my brain. But let me remind you that you are the one who gets drunk, eats and poops all day who doesn't even try to socialize or go outside atleast."

I rolled my eyes at his true words. "And what about you Mr.Min? Do you socialize or go outside? All you do is work, sleep, work and sleep."

"I do a lot of other things too." Yoongi turned around and sorted the glasses in the right order inside the shelf. I raised my eyebrow. "And that is....?"

"That is something that you may never get to know."
His back was still facing me, but even now I know he smiled.

"If you have a girlfriend too then I am out."
I took a shot from my drink and swallowed it angrily.

"I do not have a girlfriend."

"Sure, sure. You don't have to hide it. You don't have to be ashamed. Even if it's a nun or a prostitude. Are nuns even allowed to have a boyfriend? I mean they aren't allowed to marry, but dating?

Tell me YoonGay. You are the specialist with your nun girlfriend. Did she made a sin? Did she confess and washed her sins away?"

"What sins? I don't know what goes inside your head, but as I said, I. do. not. have. a. girlfriend."

His eyes pierced right through my body out of annoyingness. He had put the glasses down.

"Okay, okay. Don't get mad." I filled my glass again and took a shot that flowed down my throat. A burning sensation was filling me.

At the corner of my eye I saw Jungkook coming out of the men's bathroom. He had approuched a lady in her early 20's.

"Jungkookie is at it again." I shaked my head and stared down at my glass of alcohol.

"And he denies it that he sleeps."

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