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Nari POV

I stepped in to my apartment and threw my bag onto the couch, laying seconds later next to it.

It was just another day of work. My eyes were about to close when my phone started to rang. Pulling it out of the pocket I put it on my ear.
"Cha Nari at the phone. How can I help you."

"You can pay for the drinks tonight."

I sat up when I recognized the voice. "Jimin?"

"We were supposed to meet today?"
"Well, yeah. That's what you said yesterday on the phone as far as I remember. Tomorrow at 9pm."

"You forgot about it. Didn't you?"
I could already imagine him putting his hand on his hip.

"I'll be there in 15 minutes. Where are you right now?"
"Already here."
"Stay there."
Hanging up before he could say anything further, I jumped up from the couch and changed into new clothes, put a little bit of make up on and grabbed my bag.

I dashed out of the apartment, not forgetting to lock the door and half ran half walked fast speed to the bar.
Jimin and I knew each other since high school. Both of us were pretty close and still are. Almost every week we meet up to go for a drink, at the same bar to hang out.

The fun fact is that I had and still have a crush on him since high school. Being the one person who doesn't want to get friendzoned and imagines losing the good friend just because of a crush, isn't easy.
Fortunaly and unfortunaly he doesn't know it and maybe never will.

Now back to the story. I stumbled into the bar and squinted my eyes, trying to find Jimin in the mass of drunken people, since it was a small bar.

Once I spotted him sitting at the corner of the bar, sitting alone, I squizzed my way through.

"Did you wait long?" I asked as I sat down on the seat next to him.
"Just waited 5 minutes before I called and 15 minutes for you to get here. So not really. I ordered already your drink." Handing me a glas of alcohol, he smiled.

"What's wrong?" Rasing an eyebrow, I slowly lifted the glas to my lips.
"What should be wrong?" He asked back and put his chin into his palm, looking in space, smiling.

"Usually you would punch my shoulder as a hello or drink already without me before I arrive here. Who are you and what did you do to my best friend Park Jimin."

"To your information I am still me the one and only original Park Jimin and I have great news to tell you."

"You decided to put milk first then the cereals?" Jungkook came, a bartender and a high school friend from us.

"I know it. You are gay?" I gasped dramatically and accidently choked on my own saliva.
"No." He rubbed his temples with his eyes closed, clearly annoyed.

"YOU ARE PREGNANT?" Jungkook screamed and almost dropped a glass that he was drying with a towel if it wouldn't be Yoongi, the owner of the bar.
Yoongi became a close friend two years ago when Jungkook started his job there as a bartender.

"Who is pregnant?" Yoongi continued drying that glass and glared at Jungkook.
"Nobody is pregnant!" Jimin let a frustrated groan out and put his head into his hands.

Seeing Jungkook wiping his sweat from his forehead out of relieve, Yoongi's gaze of not caring and Jimin's attempt to tell them his news made me unknowingly smile for the first time in a while.
They were always there to make me laugh, if it's they're humour or their pure idiotic charakters.

Jimins back rised for a moment as he took a deep breath in and looked up to all of us.

"I have a girlfriend."

Jungkook dropped this time a glass, Yoongi suddenly woke up from his not caring state, I choked on my drink and all three of us were staring at him in pure shock with jaw dropped and eyes wide.

I felt how my chest tightend inside of me. It hurt.

The first person who finally closed his mouth and started to speak was Yoongi. "You?"
"Yeah." Jimin smiled brightly and giggled.

"I can't believe it." Jungkook held himself at the counter for support not to fall.
"Just because you slept already with plenty of girls in your bed doesn't mean I can't have a girlfriend." He scrunched his nose.
"I didn't slept with plenty girls!" Jungkook protested.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and asked the questions I wanted to know the answers to.
"Since when? And since when do you know her?"

"Her name is Bell and I met her at the mall one month ago. She is really nice and caring when she opens up to you, because she is really shy. We started dating two days ago."

I quickly mentally checked what I was doing two days ago. Sleeping, eating, pooping.
And at that exact day they got together.

A phone started to rang. Recognizing that the ringtone belonged to Jimin, he pulled his phone out and smiled at the display, reading the incomer.

'Well, that hurts and sucks at the same time.'

"I'll be right back." He stood up from his seat and walked away. "Hello Bell....."
"And I have to pee." Jungkook ran away with his tights pressed together.

"Well, that must hurt and suck at the same time." Yoongi blurted out.
"What do you mean? Jimin looks happy." I laughed nervously.

'Did he fucking read my mind or what?'

There was no way that he knows that I like him. As far as I remember I never flirted or made hints to Jimin.

Yoongi placed the glass aside in his hands and leaned forward to me.

"You like him."

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