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                        Author POV
"Mom? Mom wake up! God dammit mom wake the fuck up!"
Yoongi was by this time sobbing as he shook his mom
"She's gone yoongi"
As tears started falling down yoongi's face he sister scooted closer to him to comfort him.
"But why? How?"
"I don't know yoongi but we should call the police, to tell them she died"
Yoongi got on his phone and dialed 911, soon after the call ended their were 2 police cars outside of their house and an ambulance.
"How long has she been dead?"
"She was dead when woke up"
"What time was that?"
"We will take her and call someone to come clean up your house, then you will be able to come back in a minimum of 2 hours.(because his mom died in the house her spirit is lingering)"
"Okay, thank you sir"
"You're welcome"
Now that yoongi and his sister had the house to there selves they had to be more cautious and made sure they had money.
"Hey Madi"
"Go make us some money for 2 hours and I'll give you the rest of my chips."
"Okay, but you don't have to give me your food you can keep it, I will do this more often to keep us on our feet, Okay?"
"Okay, I will get a job"
(Chapter 1 his sister prostituted therefore she earned a lot of money)
Yoongi went out looking for a job while his sister was out earning money.
"Okay sir will you fill out this job application and I will get with you shortly"
"Yoongi had applied for a job at the apple store in the mall since he was really well at working phones and could get you into pretty much anything with just a phone he applied for that job confident he would make it.
(10 minutes later)
"Min yoongi?"
"You got the job, you will start work tomorrow at 9:30. I look forward to working with you"
Yoongi called jimin to inform him on what just happened
JM: Hey yoongi
YG: jimin?
JM: what's wrong?
YG: I called just to let you know that my mother was found dead in her room when I came home. So I might not be able to visit you at the park as much because I applied for a job.
JM: I'm so sorry yoongi, are you and your sister okay?
YG: yes jimin we will be fine I just thought I should let you know that.
JM: do y'all need help? I can help you.
YG: Nah, my sister get a lot of money at her job so we're covered.
JM: Okay, let me know if you need anything.
YG: no no jimin, it's fine.
JM: Okay, be safe.
YG: you too
Call ends
After 2 hours of strolling around the park yoongi went back to his house seeing the people cleaning the house had already left.
"Madi? You home?"
No answer
"Guess not"
As soon as yoongi got in the house he went to his room and flopped on the bed.
After 30 minutes of laying there he heard the front door open. He jerked his head up hearing the door open.
Yoongi's pov
I never thought I would come to say this but my sister's prostitution is helpful. If we saved up all the money she and I made together we would probably be rich in a little over a year. Although losing my mom is devastating that is not what I am focused on now, now I have me and my older sister to take care of. Why? I don't understand. The drugs she take stink and taste horrible. My mom snorted that shit up her nose like her life depended on it. It was only a matter of time before this happened. She never listened when I told her to stop, or she would end up dead, take your medicine mom I don't want you dead, mom smoking isn't healthy please stop, beer will destroy you liver mom don't drink it. She never listened and now she is gone and it's partly my fault, if I had not been careless and forgot the time I would've been here soon enough to give her the medication.
"I made 1,000 today"
Damn forget what I said about being rich in a year, most likely a couple months going at this rate.
"I got a job today, I start tomorrow"
"That's good yoongibear"
"We should fix this place up"
We started tidying up around the house and cleaning anything else that was dirty. We threw out the old furniture and replaced it with new furniture. We even bought new beds and fixed our rooms up.
The next morning I woke up remembering I had work. I washed up , ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, dressed in a white dress shirt, red ripped jeans, white converses, no hoodie this time. I worked from 9:30am to 5:00pm. When I got home I had a lot of missed calls from jimin so i decided to call him back.
YG: hey jimin
JM: yoongi! How are you?
YG: I am good. And you?
JM: I am good. I called you a lot, to check on you.
YG: yeah I'm sorry I was at work.
JM: Okay. Let me know when you are off so we can hang out.
YG: I will.
JM: actually, can you come over now?
YG: sure, im on my way.
Call ends
Jimin sent me the directions to his house. (15 minutes later)
*knock knock knock*
"I will get it"
Jimin's pov
When I opened the door yoongi was standing there in a white dress shirt and red ripped jeans.
"Hey yoongi"
"Hey jimin"
"Come in"
I watched as yoongi walked in the door. My sister was right, he did have a nice butt. It was round and bubble like. I got so lost in staring at him I didn't notice when he turned around.
"J-jimin, why are you looking at me like that?"
"Umm, Okay"
"Did you need something?"
"No, I just wanted to hang with you. It's really boring here."
"Oh, okay. What do you wanna do?"
"Will you play for me again?"
"Sure, what do you wanna hear?"
"It doesn't matter"
Author pov
Yoongi sat at the piano thinking of a song to play, when the perfect song came to mind. Yoongi put his hands on the keys and started playing. With each note played jimin's family came in one by one to listen as well. When the song was over they all clapped.
"You play really well"
"Thank you jimin"
"Your welcome" jimin said smiling.
*whispering*"flirting much?"
"Shut up "
"Huh?" Yoongi questioned confused.
*whispering* "calm your hormones"
"Stop it" jimin whisper yelled
"Okay chill"
"Do you have any other talents or hobbies?"
"I do but it's nothing"
"Tell us"
"I play the drums and I uh, s-sing" yoongi said putting his head down
"Really?!" Sarah yelled excitedly
"Sing! Please"
"No, I only sing for my sister when she can't fall asleep"
"Please, I won't snitch"
"Um, still no"
Jimin's sister said with a pout
"Jimin can sing!" Jimin's brother yelled out
"Josh~ I'm not singing"
"He has the most beautiful voice ever"
I'm shocked that yoongi smiled at that comment. It makes me happy but how could my own family tell him, if I didn't then they should not, those bitches.
" if you sing I will"
"Yes, promise"
Authors pov
Jimin began singing serendipity. When the song was over his face was bright red. And everyone was clapping.
"That was great, jimin"
"Thank you, now you sing"
Yoongi began singing a random song. When the song was over everyone started clapping.
"Your voice is amazing"
"Thank you jimin"
"Your welcome"
The two stood there staring way other in the eyes until yoongi broke the eye contact snapping jimin outta the trance he was in.
"Jimin, dope head!"
"Nothing, just wanted to see if you were alive"
"What a caring brother" jimin said with sarcasm.
When yoongi looked at the time it was 6:00
"I better go, I don't wanna keep my sister waiting"
"Okay, have a safe trip"
"I will, have a nice night"
And with that yoongi went home

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