I love you too

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Author pov

The movie had ended long ago but jimin wasn't willing to move for anybody right now. His mom called a few times, he didn't answer, his phone rang, he didn't answer, his sister called, he didn't answer, he had to pee, he didn't move one inch. Yoongi was sound asleep on jimin's shoulder, clinging to him like a koala. Jimin thought, if he moved yoongi might wake up and he didn't want to interrupt yoongi sleeping 1. Because of how adorable he is 2. Because yoongi would get a little upset when he was woken. Jimin leaned over on his side, then turned Yoongi on his back watching as his hair fell over his eyes perfectly. Yoongi didn't flinch one bit as jimin brushed yoongi's hair out his face with his index finger. Jimin ran his fingers across yoongi's soft lips, staring at his facial features intently until his bladder started complaining. Jimin drug hisself from his bed and into the bathroom across the hall from his room. When jimin returned yoongi was sitting up straight in his bed.


"You left"

"I'm sorry, I had to pee"

"I'm hungry"

"What do you want to eat?"


" wanna go out to eat? It's not that late"

"What time is it?"


"Okay, but where?"

"Where ever you want to"

"Okay, lets go to a bakery"


"Sounds good right now"


All the while jimin was driving to the nearest bakery, he was staring at yoongi. Jimin knew South Korea's roads with his eyes closed he didn't need to actually look at the road in order to get to where he was going.

"If you keep looking at me we're gonna crash"

"I don't need to look at the road yoongi"

"You need to put your seatbelt on"

"Calm down"

"Please put your seatbelt on jimin"

"Okay, happy?"

"Am I that pretty to you? You keep staring at me when you should be looking at the road"

"I know these roads better than I know tae"

"You sure? I don't wanna end up in Oklahoma"

"Do you know how far away that is?"

"Yes and that's why I said it"

"Okay, we're here by the way"

"Damn, you were staring at me half the time and I'm not dead"

"Haha, Min Yoongi you make my day"

"It's evening now"

"Smarty pants"

"Thank you"

"What kinda cake do you want?"


"I mean, besides hobi's, which one do you want"

"Woah woah, heh. You- you- bitch"

"I'm right!"

"No you're not *blushing*"

"You're blushing~"

"No I'm not"

"Hobi and yoongi sitting in a tree, k-I-s-s-I-n-g"

"Please stop"

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