Chapter 5: meeting Gabriel

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There's been a 4 year time skip to speed it up a bit.

((Y/n) P.O.V)

I woke up this morning when the sun came up. I found it annoying I was sleepy. Papa had got me a new book the other day and I stayed up reading it. "Good morning sweetheart!" Papa sang as he walked into my room "mornin' papa" I yawned as I rubbed my eyes and sat up in my bed. "Today's an important day" he said as he opened the curtains allowing the sunlight to pool into my room. "Papa it's too bright!" I squealed. He laughed as he walked over to my bed and sat down. "I'm meeting Gabriel today aren't I?" He nodded "are you nervous?" He asked looking at me "I'm not completely nervous I'm rather excited" I replied as I pushed my covers off. Papa stood up and smiled. "Pick out something suitable ok?" I nodded "yes papa" he smiled and left. I got out my bed and walked over to my wardrobe I opened it and smiled. A third of it being darker clothes from Daddy another third being lighter clothes from Papa and the final part in the middle being my colourful clothes that I picked out. I grabbed a white dress with my cream jacket that papa likes. I got changed into it and then I brushed my red and white hair. I knew it was different then most kids but I liked it because I was like both daddy and papa. I put on my white tights and black shoes smiling at myself in the mirror before making my bed and going downstairs.

"Morning daddy" I said as I sat in my seat at the table "Morning princess did you sleep well?" He smiled looking up from his phone "I did daddy although I did stay up a little late reading" i admit when papa put my bowl of cornflakes down. "You love that book don't you?" Papa asked as I ate a spoonful. I nodded in agreement as I ate. "I'm nervous about her meeting Gabriel dear" papa said as he sat next to daddy. "She'll be fine Angel she's with you" daddy replied putting his hand over papa's. I smiled as I watched my fathers talk and finished my breakfast. "I'm finished" I said as I stood up taking my bowl to the sink. "I'm ready" I looked at Papa smiling "let's go!" I grabbed papa's hand. 

(Time skip)
Me and Papa got to these escalators and Papa smiled down at me "ready?" "Ready" I smiled back and we stepped on. We started going up and I started to feel nervous. 'What if he's mean? What if he doesn't like me?' The words kept repeating in my head and when we reached the top I stayed by Papa's side. We walked through a very bright and white room and I saw a tall man staring out the window. "Hello Gabriel" Papa said making our presence known to the tall man. When he turned around he smiled. "Aziraphale so good to see you. Ah this must be (Y/n)" he said turning his attention to me. I hid behind Papa and he laughed. "Don't be afraid (Y/n) Gabriel won't hurt you" Papa said putting his hand on my head in an attempt to calm me down. I nodded and stepped from behind him "h-hello Mr Gabriel" I said holding out my hand for him to shake. He smiled and got on one knee taking my small hand in his as he shook it "Hello (Y/n) it's nice to meet you" he said. I slowly calmed down when I realize he wouldn't hurt me. Papa smiled and picked me up as I clung to him "so (Y/n) what do you like to do?" Mr Gabriel asked as me and papa followed him to what looked like an office. "I-i like ready, drawing and watching cartoons with daddy. Oh I also like baking with papa" I replied as I sat on papa's lap.

Papa and Mr Gabriel spoke as I sat still and silent as I didn't want to interupt their conversation. "Would you like to do some colouring?" Mr Gabriel asked."yes please" I replied smiling at him "well aren't you polite?" He chuckled. I nodded "Papa told me it's good to me polite" he smiled as he miracled some paper and crayons. I started to draw as they spoke.

A few hours past and Papa looked down at me "time to go sweetheart" I pouted "already?" Mr Gabriel laughed "you are welcome back any time (Y/n)" I smiled up at him "ok!" I giggled as I grabbed my picture. Papa took my hand and we started to leave "Wait!" I shouted and I ran back to Mr Gabriel "this is for you" I held up the picture I drew. I did my best to draw him and I think it looked good! "Why thank you (Y/n) it's wonderful. I'll  put it on my desk" he said as I ran back to Papa "Bye Mr Gabriel!" I called as me and Papa left.

Hi there. So next chap is meeting the prince of Hell (most likely) it'll wither be that or a silly one that'll include Adam babysitting. I'm not sure yet but when I get the creative flow I'll see what happens. Hope you enjoyed! Leave a comment I love feedback it helps me write. Leave ideas for me as well. Until next time

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