chapter 5: watched

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Peyton proved more and more everyday how much of a pain in the ass she was in the mornings.

August needed her time to relax, to slowly wake up on her own time and own terms of grogginess. She needed to sip some coffee and scroll through her phone for about thirty minutes before she could officially get up and get ready for the day.

Peyton, on the other hand, was up and going the minute her puppy brown eyes opened in the morning. August sometimes considered her a crackhead, and morning time as her beloved crack.

"Crackhead," August groaned out with the back of her hand covering her eyes as Peyton pushed open the curtains, causing light to flood their small, cluttered dorm room.

"I consider crackheads the inventors of this generation," Peyton chirped, tying the curtains to the side and opening the window blinds. "Their minds never stop."

"You're referring to yourself in third person, crackhead," August mumbled, turning away from the light. She had managed to get some sort of sleep that night, but the memories of yesterday and her life almost getting taken away by the tall, mysterious woman with black hair and sharp knife began to flood her mind similarly to how the light from the window further flooded the room as her roommate opened the blinds.

"You're just jealous that I have the capabilities to actually get my ass up in the mornings, you shockingly lazy shit." Peyton began to make her bed.

"You weren't so ready to get up yesterday morning, were you?" August mumbled, turning her head over her shoulder slightly so she could tauntingly peek a sleepy eye at her roommate.

"Your dishonesty about being asleep yesterday morning has hurt my feelings. I'm appalled at how you just ignored my complaints of the suffering I was going through," Peyton retorted, softly throwing a pillow at the brunette who simply took the hit and laid still on her bed.

"And your suffering being present because of what exactly? Oh yea, because you downed five vodka shots within one minute and probably ground your ass against a keg of beer all night, along with dicks, too, I assume." August smirked at her comment, proud of her response.

Peyton rolled her eyes as she walked over to her mirror, using her pink hairbrush to comb the knots out of her long hair. "At least one of us is getting some."

"Hey!" August turned her upper body and pointed at the blonde. "I'll have you know I can get pussy anytime and anywhere I want to, from anyone I please."

The only one in the room who was fully awake turned around to face the half-awake one. "Then get some. I haven't seen you do it yet," she replied with heavy sass, although they both knew their words were tinted with invisible playfulness.

"I'm too tired," she moaned, turning back around to curl up into a fetus position. As her roommate simply laughed as a response and turned back around to finish grooming herself, August sighed deeply. She didn't want to leave her bed. But even in her own room, she didn't feel safe. There were eyes everywhere, as that murderous woman had told her before.

She made sure to look left and right before entering the hallway. She had skipped her classes yesterday to stay hidden in her dorm and away from any "eyes" that could watch her, but she couldn't miss another day.

Closing her dorm door very softly, she pulled out her keys to lock it. Hearing footsteps coming towards her, her entire body jumped and she dropped her keys, whipping her head with frightened eyes to where the footsteps were coming from.

It was just a couple of students with backpacks on walking down the hall. She recognized them as students in the class she was on her way to. Her silliness made her shake her head. Picking up the keys, she successfully locked the door and then placed them in her pocket. She began the trek to her class.

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