author's note

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It has been such an incredible journey writing this book. Out of everything I have ever written, this novel, which its origins I cannot understand as it seemed that it just randomly burst from my mind one August evening, is my favorite work so far. I threw myself into this book harder than I have with any other one, and I have spent dozens of hours musing over it and perfecting it to its highest possibility.

I want to thank you, readers, for your support. From votes, to comments, to just simply adding another number to my view count to tell me that someone else out there appreciates my writing, you have propelled me in my journey with this story that I have seemed to grow an emotional connection to.

If you want to see more of my writing and support me even further, I am working on another book titled Killing Softly which should be up and going by the time you read this. Please go check it out! I hope I get the same support with that book as I got with this one.

Thank you all. Stay beautiful xx.

(Also, aren't you so FUCKING glad at that ending?)
((You're welcome.))


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