chapter 24: harold, they're lesbians

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The sound of a soda can being popped open woke August from her sleep.

She came to, opening her eyes and seeing that the sun had finally lifted in the sky, peeking through the gathering clouds. Hearing a sipping noise, she turned her head to see Willow drinking a cherry Coke with her free hand resting on top of the steering wheel a bit too casually for August's comfort. Looking at the time on the car radio, August mumbled, "How are you drinking that at 9 in the morning?"

Willow looked over when the girl began to speak, just now seeing that she was awake. "Good morning, sleepyhead. Good to finally have you with us."

August groaned, rubbing her eyes and yawning. "I'm already tired again."

Chuckling, Willow downed more of her cherry Coke. "God, I love this shit."

August's nose crinkled. "I can tell, and I don't know why. It's disgusting."

Willow's eyes widened and her lips parted. "August, do not forget that I am fully strapped and will pop the glock on you if you again insult my favorite drink in the literal entire world," she sharply spoke, taking another sip as she kept her eyes on the road over the can lifted to her face.

"Did you real life just use the term 'glock?'" August asked her, an eyebrow raised in disbelief.

"Did you really just use the term 'real life?'" Willow snapped back after finishing the can, crumpling the empty metal in her hand and tossing it in the back seat.

"First of all, I am still considered the youth of this nation, therefore I can use those kinds of terms. Second of all, are you trying to assert your dominance or something by crushing an empty can in your one hand?" August remarked, feeling unusually sarcastic that morning. It was something about car rides with the woman that brought it out in her.

"First of all, are you calling me old? And second of all, would you like for me to assert my dominance? Because believe me, I would lov—"

"Not so fast, Willow," August cut her off, giving her a smirk as she secretly thought in her head how much she really would want Willow to assert her dominance. "Also, no, I'm not calling you old, although you are significantly older than I am."

Willow scoffed and rolled her eyes. "And you're supposed to obey your elders, which kind of loops back around to that whole dominance thing, don't you think?" She tried to hide the complacent smirk growing on her lips, but it only resulted in a dimple forming in her left cheek.

"Oh, does it now?" August countered, looking over at her. She wondered what it would be like for the older woman to perform the dominance she was talking about; her body grew hot at the thought of it.

"Got you all flustered, huh?" Willow stated without even having to look over. She could feel the desire growing inside August across the driver's seat of the car.

"I might like to see how much more flustered you could get me," August remarked. She stared at the woman who sat erect in her seat with her black turtleneck and her black hair pulled up into a French twist and clipped at the back. She watched those seductive green eyes squint as the woman's supple lips formed into a smirk.

Willow casually reached her arm across the car and placed her hand on August's mid-thigh. August said nothing, only swallowed hard as her thigh buzzed underneath the woman's touch. Willow felt the fabric of August's jeans, curving her hand around the inner side of her thigh, squeezing as she began to lower her hand down.

August's breath hitched in her throat as she watched the woman's slender, veiny hand trail up her leg, her fingertips being sure to dig into the inside of her thigh. Her entire thigh felt as if it were on fire, as if the woman's hand was a hot iron pressing against her jeans. Willow only let her hand trail further and further up, until it was right beside the girl's now throbbing crotch.

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