chapter 31: click

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It was with the girl in her arms that Willow slept the most comfortably.

After their intense love-making session, their bodies both incredibly exhausted, they fell asleep in a spooning position—with Willow as the big spoon, of course. Squeezing the girl protectively, she fell into the deepest sleep she had fallen into in a long time.

As her eyes cracked open the next morning, she nearly forgot where she was. As she looked around the room through her squinted eyes, the morning light pouring in through the window, she noticed the blinds were pulled all the way up. She suddenly remembered the previous night and how she had lifted the blinds to watch the fireworks.

She then shifted her head to the space on the bed beside her, expecting to find her firework-watching companion lying next to her, but she was met with an empty bed.

Scrunching her eyebrows, she sat up and pulled the sheets over her cold and completely naked body. She looked around the floor and saw that both her and the girl's clothes were scattered all around. She assumed August must have slipped downstairs before she had woken up. She suddenly felt embarrassed, hoping Ronnie hadn't woken and seen her yet, because she knew Ronnie would never be able to let down the fact that she slept with August in his guest bedroom.

She quickly shot out of bed, gathering her clothes from the night before off the floor and pulling them on. But then she realized that August's clothes were still on the floor. Certainly she didn't go downstairs...naked?

Willow's eyebrows threading in confusion, she quickly ran out of the door and downstairs, her boots loudly thumping down the staircase. She was sure that if Ronnie wasn't awake by then that he would have been woken soon from her loud steps. As she arrived downstairs, she noticed the house was still messy from the party the night before. Red solo cups were everywhere, and there was even weed and cocaine sitting around on the tables. She was shocked that Ronnie hadn't already cleaned everything up, as he usually didn't just let messes go uncleaned.

"August?" she called out, only being met with the sound of an empty house. Her heart picked up speed as she began to worry. Something felt wrong, so wrong.

"August?!" she called out louder, peeking her head down the hall and then making her way into the kitchen.

Her blood ran cold at the sight in front of her. Ronnie lay there on the kitchen floor, unconscious and with an open gash on his head.

"Ronnie!" Willow exclaimed, rushing over to her friend, kneeling down and taking his face into her hands. She assessed the wound on his head, noticing that he had lost a lot of blood. Fear coursed through her veins like electric shock.

"Ronnie!" she exclaimed, shaking his face back and forth. "Please wake up," she pleaded, her breathing becoming shaky and heavy. She patted his face frantically with her hands, desperate that he would just open his eyes so she would know he was at least alive.

"Ronnie, wake the fuck up!" she yelled, feeling tears form in her eyes as her friend did not move. She began to slap his face harder, wincing at having to do so but she needed to jolt him awake. "Ronnie, please," she whispered, still shaking and slapping his face.

His dark eyelids slowly fluttered open and a weak grunt escaped his throat.

"Oh God," Willow breathed, closing her eyes as relief washed over her, although her heart was still pounding. Her hands were even shaking from the fear. She thought she had stumbled upon her dead best friend.

"Will," he mumbled, his eyebrows scrunching in confusion as he half-opened his eyes and looked up at the woman whose dark hair fell across her face.

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