Chapter 1: Nothing Can Evolve Without Change

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"Nice sparring, mate." Marcel compliments as I nod in appreciation without a word.

Throwing my towel over my shoulder and grabbing my water canteen I walk over to where my bag resides atop a chair. Even though the majority of the muscles in my body are thriving with pain, I choose not to sit. Instead, I slide the strap of my bag onto my shoulder and walk towards the exit of my usual gym. As soon as I effortlessly push the door open, the sun's brightness overwhelms my eyes, causing me to squint as they adjust to the lighting.

Despite my exposing attire, I begin my long walk to my apartment seven blocks away. Wearing nothing but a sports bra, running shorts, tennis shoes, and tape around my hands, it's only expected to get stares from men- and the occasional woman- who pass by. Even when confronted, however, I say nothing and continue on my venture towards home.

I don't own a car, and I don't plan to. When living, in my opinion, so close to a gym what's the point? More exercise for me, am I right? I walk everywhere I go, and there are not many places I have to go anyways. The grocery store is two blocks away from my apartment, the bookstore is one building away, and then there's the gym. 

On the special occasions where I have a boxing match, I hitch a ride from my British boxing trainer Marcel. Who is by far, the only person I talk to these days. I wouldn't consider him a friend, just an accomplice- someone I work with. He arranges my matches and teaches me how to box. He even manages my money rewards most of the time, he gets a third of the profits, and I get the rest. Neither of us complains because it's enough for me to give a damn, and he has another job so he has an entirely different income. Besides, he's been my trainer from the very start those somewhat eight years ago, so there's an unannounced trust between the two of us.

Passing by the bookstore, I couldn't resist the temptation to pay a visit inside the unwavering land of words and adventure. The lady at the cash register, Penelope, greets me with a kind smile as I continue walking. She has become accustomed to my silent demeanor, so she has faltered in her attempts of a conversation seeing how I'm a regular customer anyhow. A couple of books catch my eye, "The Maze Runner" by James Dashner and "The Lucky One" by Nicholas Sparks. Dropping them on the counter next to the cashier I reach to the side in search of my wallet, a black bi-fold wallet with red boxing gloves on it. Once I grasp it, I begin pulling it out of my bag when a voice makes me jump.

"Aren't you a little out of place, here?" a man chuckles with obvious humor laced in his smooth voice.

Ignoring the man without even a glance in his direction, I take out my wallet and take out the desired cash needed. A twenty-dollar bill for a nineteen-fifty payment. Putting the wallet back in my bag, Penelope gets the memo to keep the change for the donations box off to the side. As I grab the two books and place them in my bag, the man decides to talk again. To which, this surprises me seeing how most men scoff and stand down after being ignored so blatantly.

"So you do boxing, I gather," he states seemingly as a question but more as an observation.

I turn towards the door only to see the unusual man between myself and it. Sighing, I shift my weight causing my hip to unintentionally pop out and then I cross my arms as if to say, "and?"

"Derek," he smiles with eyes that glisten through his Ray-Bans glasses as he sticks his hand out.

Glancing from his eyes to his hand and back to his eyes I take a few seconds to debate whether to return the gesture. This man, as handsome as he is, intrigues me, therefore I decide to do something I haven't done in a great while.

"Bo." I offer after a hesitation I don't care to explain.

I shake his hand, officially yet unofficially stating this man and I's relationship as acquaintances. Not friends, no, that would be too far. Just acquaintances.


Okay, so I hope y'all like it so far. This is honestly going rather dandy so far as a story, in my opinion.

Feedback would be great! :)

Hope y'all have a good night! (Or day depending on where y'all live.)

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