Chapter 2 - Answers.

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"Wait. What are you saying?" You asked. Kat looked at you as the driver drove right out of (Town you live in). 

"(y/n), this T-800, who we are calling T says you sent back a T-1000 to kill John and myself." Kat said. You looked at her with horror in your eyes. 

"N-No. I would never do that." You said. Kat nodded. 

"I know. That's why I told John we had to come get you." Kat said. You reached and hugged her but the driver slammed on the brakes, shooting you and Kat forward a bit so you held on to her tight, so she wouldn't get hurt. The driver then turned and pointed a gun right at your head. You looked at him and froze seeing the gun.  

"Let go of her." He said. He had a thick Austrian accent. 

"T! Stop it, she's not dangerous!" Kat yelled, letting you go. T put the gun away and started to drive again, but T scared you. 

"T!" Kat yelled but John held his hand up. 

"T, why is (y/n) dangerous?" John asked. 

"That information is classified." T said. John shook his head. You started to get mad. 

"T, please tell me why you pointed a gun at me." You said. T looked back for a second, then forward. 

"(y/n) (l/n), the only human working for Skynet after the machines took over. She created the Infiltrators series, like myself." T said. 

"How many are in the infiltrators?" Kat asked. 

"Seven. There are the T-600, T-700, T-800, T-900, T-1000, T-3000, and T-5000." T answered. You looked down. 

"Why?" You asked in a whisper and Kat put a hand on your back, rubbing it.    

"That won't happen. I know you, you can't hurt anyone." Kat said. You looked up at him. 

"In another timeline, she did. She had tried to kill you both. I was sent back by John to save you both." T said and looked back at you. 

"And to kill you. John and Kat in this time line though ordered me not to kill you." T said and turned back to look at the road. 

"Then...Then maybe it's best that I do die." You said. Kat looked at you, as did John. 

"No!" They both shouted. 

"Then what if I say I won't ever build them?" You said again. John laughed a bit and shook his head. 

"It won't work. I tried to destroy Skynet it the past, it didn't work. I was ten at the time." John said. 

"Then I have to die. I don't want to kill my best friend." You said, looking at Kat, who smiled sadly. 

"You won't and you won't die. We will find a way to change this." Kat said. You wanted to smile, but couldn't. Kat looked forward and you looked forward also. 

"Are we close?" Kat asked. T nodded. 

"Yes. Just need to get supply." T said and pulled over. You saw it was at a Grocery store that was in the next town.

"Close to what?" You asked but T turned to you.

"Get out." T said and got out after he spoke. You got out and T grabbed you by your wrist. It hurt, but not terribly.  

"You will be staying with me." He said. You nodded and followed him inside so you wouldn't be dragged. 

"Grab can food that has a long shelf live. We don't know if we will be coming back for food." T said. Kat and John took each other by the hand and walked into the can food isle while T stayed by the door with you. He let you go so people wouldn't stare but kept his hand by your arm, ready to grab you. It was quiet for a bit before you spoke. 

"T...Do you think I'm dangerous?" You asked. T looked at you. 

"Yes." He said and looked forward again. You nodded.

"T, Why is the T-1000 so dangerous, couldn't you just kill him?" You asked. T looked at you again. 

"The T-1000 is stronger and can turn himself into any living person he see's. He s the master for blending in." T said. You opened your mouth to ask how but then heard screaming. It was Kat. 

"Kat!" You yelled and ran. T was right by you, gun in hand. you heard screaming for other people, but didn't stop running. As you got closer, saw a metal shear shoot out, almost hitting you in the head before it retracted. You looked and saw a cop attacking Kat and John, but his arm was a metal spear. Kat was on the ground, bleeding a bit from her upper arm and John was throwing cans at him as he had no other weapons. The cans were hitting him, but seemed to be doing nothing. The cop didn't even flinch as it hit him. He only continued to try and kill Kat and John, who were both dodging his spear.    

"Kat! John!" You yelled, running over to them. Kat, John and the cop looked at you but the cop then looked at Kat, raising his spear, aiming for her head. You got in front of her as he brought it down.  

"No!" You yelled and felt a jolt of pain run through your body.   

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