Chapter 11 - Realization

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You woke to the feeling of someone picking you up. You opened your eyes and the first thing you saw was darkness, meaning you were blindfolded. You screamed and started to kick, feeling rope around your feet and hands. The one holding you dropped you. You landed hard on your butt, and groaned in pain but tried to get away.  

"(y/n)!" You heard and stopped. 

"Kat?" You asked and felt someone grad you, sitting you up right and started to remove your blindfold. You closed your eyes, so you wouldn't be blind by any light and opened them slowly. You saw Kat, John, and Sara. Sara was smoking a cigarette. T then moved from behind you. You look down, seeing yourself tied up.  

"I couldn't kill her but we should do something with her." Sara said. You looked at Sara. 

"I don't want to hurt anyone!" You said in a stern voice. You then remembered about the metal in you and opened your mouth to warn them but John spoke first.  

"I know, but how. I don't want her hurt but if we do, we can stop this timeline fore happening, right?" John asked, looking at T. T nodded. 

"Yes. If (y/n) dies, then the original timeline will happen and we can stop it." T said. You your was still open, but now in shock. 

"But how can we do it without hurting her?" John asked. You looked at John in horror. 

"I can shoot her." T said, pointing his gun at you but Kat got in front of you.

"No!" Kat yelled. 

"Kat, move." John said. She shook her head, turned and untied you. Kat then helped you up and hugged you before turned to them. 

"She is my best friend. I don't care what she did or why she sent the T-1000 back in time but (y/n) would never do this!" Kat said. You smiled a bit. T put his gun down but Sara put her cigarette out and looked at you. 

"You try anything, I will finish what I started. Lets go." Sara said. Everyone started to walk, but you grabbed Kat's hand. 

"Where are we? How long have I been out?" You asked. Kat heard shouting and looked behind her.  

"A mall. We had to get supplies and you have been out a few hours." Kat said, facing her again. The shouting got louder and you heard a gun. You grabbed Kats hand and ran.    

"(y/n)! whats wrong?" Kat asked. You looked behind, seeing a small gimps of C. You bit your lip and Ran into a room, slaming the door closed. You then pushing Kat behind some boxes. 

"Don't move." You said. Kat nodded and you ran to another door. you opened and slammed it closed, locking it when the other door opened. You turned, seeing C. 

"Where is she (y/n)." C asked. You were silent. He walked up and grabbed your wrist. 

"Let me go! I locked the door so she could run!" You yelled and struggled. He then pushed you back, ripping the door from it's hinges and ran thought it. You looked in Kat's direction, seeing that she was hidden by the shadows. You could only see her because you knew she was there.  

"Don't move." You mouthed and looked back, seeing that C walked back in. 

"She got away." C said. You crossed your arms over your chest. 

"Good." You said. C then slapped you. You put your hand to your cheek, looking at him. 

"Understand this (y/n). Kat and John betrayed you. Remember that." C said. You slapped him. He didn't move or flinch.  

"Your wrong! I will change this timeline and fix everything!" You yelled. He grab both your wrists.

"(y/n), the only way to fix the timeline is for you to die. Why else do you think you asked me to protect you in the past. As long as you live, they will betray you." C said. You looked at him and shook your head. 

"Your wrong." You said. C opened his mouth but a loud bang rang throw out the room. You felt something enter your chest, looking down in shock. You saw your shirt was soaking up blood but you didn't feel any pain. You then fell to the floor. 

"(y/n)." You head C say and you felt your shirt being ripped. You let out a tear as you saw Kat holding a gun that had smoke coming out of it. She dropped the gun and ran from the room. 

She didn't have any regret on her face.                

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