Chapter 10 - From one prison to another.

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You cried till you had no more tears left and stared out the window. 

"(y/n)." C said. You looked at him. 

"What?" You asked rudely. He pulled the car over, turning it off and looked at you. 

"We have arrived at Enrique Salceda's camp. You will not interfere, do I make myself clear." C said. The last part was a threat, not a question. You gave a nod. 

"I won't escape." You said. He didn't say anything and got out, walking away. You saw him head to a house that looked abandoned with a broken down bus and a few cars. You then heard gun fires and ducked. When you did, a bullet came throw the windshield, hitting the headrest where your head was. You moved down to the floor and covered your head. You then head the car open, shut and the car turning on and driving away. You looked, seeing Sara Connor, John's mother.

"S-Sara?" You asked. Sara looked at you. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" Sara asked, looking behind her. 

"Shit, can you shoot?" Sara asked. You shook your head and felt her turn hard. Sara then grabbed a gun from her hip, and fired it. 

"Lost him." Sara said and looked at you again. 

"So whats your story?" Sara asked. You sat on the seat again, looking behind you. 

"He kidnapped me." You said. Sara looked at you as you sat right and bucked up. 

"Your Kat's friend, right?" Sara asked. You gave a nod. You had only met Sara twice so you figured she wouldn't remember you.  

"Where are they? Where is my son?" Sara asked. You looked at Sara, shaking your head. You wanted to tell her, have her take you to Kat and get the metal out of you but if this was C, then he would just kill Kat.  

"I'm sorry, You could be C and I can't betray my friend. I will find a way to change this future." You said. Sara looked at you. 

"What future?" Sara asked. You told her what C told you about how you send him back. Sara put her belt on and slammed on the brakes, you shot forward and pointed her gun at you. You froze when you straighten up, seeing the gun. 

"I will kill you then." Sara said. Your breathing stopped but you saw her shaking. She then moved the gun and started to drive again, gun still in hand. 

"Sara?" You asked in fear. She took the gun and hit you over the head. You saw black. 

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