Chapter 12 - Decision.

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Your tears fell and you looked at C, who had blood on him as he worked on you. 

"S-s-s-s..." You tried to say she shot you but C looked at you. 

"Do not speak. Your loosing blood fast and I need to stop it before you die. She missed the heart and lungs but you are starting to bleed to death." C said. You vision started to fade. 

"(y/n)!" you heard and looked at C. 

"Stay awake (y/n), I'm almost done." C said. You wanted to nodded but didn't have any strength. C then stood and picked you up. 

"Let's get you to a medical center." C said and ran. You couldn't stop seeing Kat holding the gun and let another tear fall. You heard a load crash, then an alarm. You were placed on something soft before you saw that you were in a doctors office. 

"Sorry (y/n)." C said and you felt something cold enter you. You let out a scream as you felt something hot in your body and tried to move but C held you down. 

"I-It hurts!" You cried out.

"I know but it will save your live." C said you then felt the pain lesson and you calmed down.   

"W-What did you give me?" You asked. He looked at you. 

"Lidocaine and Epinephrine." He said, before grabbing some items and picked you up. When he did, you saw red and blue lights. You looked as she walked out and saw dead police officers. He placed you in one, bucking you up and got in before driving off. 

"C?" You asked. He didn't say anything but you know he was listening.

"Did I die?" You asked. You waited for him to answer. 

"No. You almost did but I got the bullet out and stopped the bleeding before you did. The Lidocaine is a numbing agent for pain and the Epinephrine is for allergies, but you kept you breathing. I will be hiding you till you get better before going after Kat and John. I need to make sure the wound doesn't open again." C explained. Tears formed. 

"She shot me." You said. You felt tired, but you were scared to fall asleep. 

"Yes." C said. You looked at C. You then remembered the wound on your shoulder and how he healed that.  

"Can you cauterize this?" You asked C. C looked at you and nodded. 

"Do it." You said. You saw him turned solid silver. He then started to morph, looking like two humans now. One was driving, the other retracted your seat so you were lay on it. 

"Don't move." You heard C say as it covered your wound. You then felt it heat up incredibly fast. you let out a scream, but tried not to move as it wasn't as bad as before. You then felt it leave, and looked at your chest. It better now. you looked at C, who was normal. 

"C?" You asked. He looked at you. 

"Can I sleep now?" You asked He nodded. You closed your eyes, but you saw Kat holding the gun again. You became angry. 

"C. I know where they are going. I will help you when I wake." You said before falling asleep.             

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