Chapter 11. Is This Goodbye?

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Gene's POV

Even tho I was determined to find out what happened between Alex and Sarah, I soon realised it would be way harder than I thought.
Sarah refused to talk to me or communicate with me in any other way, she just shut me out completely.
Meanwhile Alex was nowhere to be seen in school for the following days and I assumed he was skipping school in order to avoid Sarah or any conflict.
You see my problem there... there's no possible way to find out anything at all.

When Alex didn't show up after three days and Sarah still ignored me like I was just some random girl and not her sister, I almost gave up on the whole thing and let it be for good.

So you can tell that I was beyond surprised when unexpectedly nobody else but bloody Alex Turner leaned against my locker with a halfhearted smile printing his face.

"Hey baby blue how ya doin'?"
The smile turned into a grin as I approached him.

"You know I hate this nickname Turner.."
I sighed and crossed my arms.

"C'mon Gene! It's not supposed to hurt ya-"

"Bye Turner"
I turned on my heels ready to walk away to my next class. He's obviously not taking me serious so why would I talk to him when he's actually just here to piss me off?! Does he think I just forgot about our last encounter when he was so rude to me?

"Gene wait! I'm sorry okay... I'm sorry for yelling at you when you were just asking me what happened ... I'm sorry for everything I did"
Alex had put a hand on my shoulder to stop me from walking away further and for the first time it actually sounded like he meant what he said. I decided that I wouldn't show him my surprise and just turned around, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Listen Gene, I know that you probably heard the argument I had with Sarah the other day... I dunno what she told you about it but despite that I would like to ask you a favour"
He paused for a moment and opened his backpack, fishing out a cd which was covered in messy handwriting.
I just stood there gazing at him, waiting for him to continue.
"Could you please give this to Sarah? I know she wouldn't take it if I'd try and give it to her but perhaps she'll take it from you... would you do that for me?"
Alex looked at me with his big brown puppy eyes and I don't know why but I couldn't help and nod.
"Okay" was all I said. My mind was racing with a million questions.

"Really? Oh wow... thanks Gene! I honestly didn't expect you to say yes but I'm glad you did! You really saved my ass"
He chuckled, running a hand through his messy hair.
He send me a last genuine smile before he turned around and walked away.

There was something strange about him today but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
Something was up that's for sure. His actual oh so cool and bad boyish persona had vanished and was replaced with a still dark and kinda cool appearance but there was something behind this facade he was trying to hide, something sad and insecure.

So I started walking and soon running after him and even found myself calling his name so he turned around with a rather confused look painting his features.

"Hey Gene... you okay?"
He asked when I reached him.

"Yeah ... but I was just wondering... I was wondering why you asked me to give your cd to Sarah. Don't get me wrong, I'll give it to her, but why don't you just wait a week or two so she'll eventually calm down and you can sort things out?"
I was still not sure what I'm doing here, Alex is not my friend but I still agreed to help him out. I was actually praying for him and Sarah to end things quickly right from the start of their relationship just weeks ago. And now? Now I find myself actually caring about the whole thing... I guess my curiosity got the best of my like always.

Alex knit his eyebrows together, staring at the ground probably figuring out what to say. When he finally looked up at me with a heavy sigh his gaze was filled with sadness.

"I ... I can't wait that long ... I mean I totally would! But .. the thing is-" he let out another shaky sigh before he continues "the thing is that I'm moving away ... to California"

I was shocked, absolutely and utterly shocked. So Alex is moving to California, to the USA... I expected everything but that.
It took me a minute to compose my thoughts and look at him again.

"I didn't knew you were moving to California"
I managed to choke out.

"I had no clue myself until my parents told me a couple days ago"
He looked truly hurt and I found myself feeling bad for Alex Turner once again.

"So that's what your argument with Sarah was about?"
I cautiously asked.

Alex just nodded with a sad smile on his lips.

So that's why Sarah broke up with him. He wanted to fix things between them and try it out and make their relationship work even through the distance they'd have to face...

"I'm really sorry Alex"
I said with a sympathetic smile.

"It's alright Gene... I just hope Sarah will have a listen to the cd"
He shrugged and run a hand through his hair.

It was then that it actually hit me. Alex Is gonna move away, but when?! Will it be tomorrow? Or rather next week?

"Uhm Alex... when yougonna move?"
I was sorta scared for the answer but I thought it'd be better knowing it instead of realising that he's just gone.

He was staring straight at me when he said it and I was staring back at him in the same way, neither of us did blink or anything.

"So this is goodbye?"
I asked, fear suddenly overwhelming me with an intention I didn't expect to feel. Why does him disappearing now have such a strong effect on me? I used to dislike him after all!

"I guess so" he simply replied with a half smile.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion from this moment on.
I didn't get out another word and neither did Alex. So instead of just walking away he stepped closer to me until there was no space between us and to my surprise he hugged me. I wasn't sure what to do for a moment before my brain worked again and I hugged him back. I can't tell how long we stood there, but when Alex pulled away it seemed too soon.
He smiled at me for the last time that day, but this time it wasn't sad or fake, he was smiling his genuine infamous lopsided grin. He waved goodbye and turned around walking away and this time I didn't run after him.

My heart immediately dropped when he was gone and I felt a pang in my chest.

I think I have a crush on Alex Turner.

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