Chapter 20. The Dream Synopsis

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Gene's POV

I was woken up by the sound of the doorbell, someone kept pressing it frantically making my head ache from the unbearably loud sound.

I groaned and shut my eyes again but whoever was out there wouldn't stop pressing that fucking bell! ... so I got up, what other options do I have?

The ringing sound was gone but now replaced by loud banging against my front door as I approached it. My hand went to the handle, ready to open and yell at whoever woke me up so uncaringly on a Sunday morning.

However I froze when I saw who was standing behind my door.

Alex leaned against the doorframe, looking a bit tired but handsome as always.

"Hey Gene, may I come in?" he asked with a smirk on his lips, dreamily looking at me with a few strands of his hair covering his eyes.

I was starstruck and just nodded like an idiot. His smirk turned into a beautiful grin which made him look even younger, like back in Sheffield when we both still went to school.

I stepped to the side to let him in. He stood there by the kitchen window, looking outside into the neighbors garden. "Why are you here Alexander?" I blurted out.

Alex turned around to face me, the smirk was back. "I wanted to talk to you" he almost whispered.

"About what?" I asked like in trance, he seemed so out of place here in my tiny kitchen and I wondered if this was just a dream.

"About us ... baby blue" He used that nickname again and I immediately knew he was up to something, but instead of backing away I found myself taking a few steps towards him.

He raised an eyebrow and leaned against the counter. "There's something I need to tell you Gene... something that I should've told you earlier" He lowered his gaze to the floor before looking back at me again, but something in his eyes had changed, was it pain?

"Tell me Al, what is it?" I was eager to hear what he had to say, but at the same time I was afraid that it might be something I don't wanna hear at all.

Alex took a few more steps towards me, he was close. "I love you Gene"

I expected anything but this. I stood there just staring into his hypnotizing chocolate brown eyes, I lost myself in them years ago and there's absolutely no denying that I feel the same way about him, I always had.

He scratched the back of his neck, uncomfortably shifting from one foot to the other when I did't say anything "You okay Gene?... I'm sorry-"

"No! ... I mean yes I am! .... it's just ... I don't know, I didn't expect you to come over and tell me that you love me... that was unexpected but now I have to tell you that I feel the sam way about you Alexander so please stop apologizing and kiss me"

Alex looked slightly confused but then understood and closed the tiny gap that was separating us, he took my face in his hands and brought it to his. He closed his eyes and so did I, his lips pressed against mine. I loved every second of our kiss, the way his soft lips smoothly moved against mine, our bodies melted together, the way our teeth collided when he couldn't contain a smile and the way he moaned into my throat when I tangled my fingers in his hair, slightly pulling at it. He pressed me against the counter and I felt my knees go weak. My hands were still tangled in his hair while his were roaming my body, slipping under my shirt and pressing me as close as possible against him.

However he pulled away too soon and I immediately felt a little cold. His arms were still wrapped around my waist and mine still loosely hang around his neck. He smirked down at me while I blushed.

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