Paintwar ft Ned

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Ok so this is featuring GrangerDanger8 as Maia and more on her in part two


Omg I was at Stark tower and my best friend of like forever is always been Tony Stark's kid and I'm over for dinner with all the FUCKING AVENGERS

"Son even in your thoughts I know when you swear, language"

"Ok cap just read my thoughts and got mad that I swore wait did I say that out loud um hi"

The black widow looked at me

"So he talks, great to know"

Then hawkguy can from the vents and started paint balling everyone and then Nat started to help....Wait Peter and Tony aren't here are they teaming up? Ok Welp i just used my plate as a shield and ran now I'm on Bruce's tea-WAIT IM ON BRUCE FUCKINGS BANNERS TEAM


Oh yeah Cap can read swear words....what did I just think?

"Hey your Ned right, you seem pretty smart so I think we will be a good team"

"Yeah but what are the rules"

" well everyone goes into partners and from there you work with your partners, you can work together with another pair but it usually lasts like five minutes and you can't swap partners"

Ohh ok I'm getting this

"Who are you usually with Dr Banner?"

"Well I'm usually with Tony, Nat or Thor but Tony is who knows where, Thor's off planet and Nat just had to plan all of this"

"Ok but why are you with me Dr Banner"

"Ned, Bruce please and because you seem nice also you where smart and ran"

"Ok Dr-Bruce"

Bruce laughed

"First lets find out what everyone eles is doing, this is our place so no one Will attack you the only attacking places is the kitchen in the lounge room and where are my bedroom (get your head out of the gutter) so we should be fine. We have 15 minutes then we have to go out to the living room/kitchen"

I hacked into cameras

"Ned... you're smart okay ok you'll be my personal assistant anyways is a lot easier than trying to convince Nat. Lets see where everyone is"

Nat and Clint where together planing there attack wait they are stealing stuff from the kitchen with a okay anyways And Thor and Cap teamed weird combo I know Thor already stole the pop tarts and is just eating them while Cap is trying to erase every file of the PSA videos ever

"Bruce the lab camera is off"

"Ned then he is teaming up with Peter?"

Why was he so surprised?

"Bruce isn't Tony and Peter normal?"

"Ned no Peter always goes with someone else and same with Tony... they are very competitive so why would they be teaming up"

Peters POV

"Dad it worked, our camera is offline but Nad and Bruce are on our tail"

"That's ok, by the other comps we know that Bruce will go defence, is that the same as Ned?"

I smile at dad


Then dad turned to Maia, MJs little sister

"You ready?"

Maia smiled darkly

"Yes, lets paintball Ned"

Mj must have put her up to it....I hope

"Ok, kids this is our plan
1-When the war starts we take Bruce and Ned out, they are to smart to be left for later
2-Cause Maia always wears black she can easily sneak in and paintball Clint Clint won't notice a thing because she's a mini Nat-"

Maia spoke up

"So I kill Clint, simple"

I sent Tony a worried glance, she's a mini Nat but is more-bloodthirsty

"No Maia no killing ok"

Maia looked mad but didn't say anything

"Ok now 4- We-"

The alarms went off me and Maia had already been told the plan wait Maia is already gone. I could here Maia telling YEET in the living room so I know the plan was going well. The war is starting


666 Words

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