Chapter 40: Unison

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"So... Master Azrael. How would you like to deal with this situation?" Nav asked.

"Um... they have slightly better security than I excepted," Azrael muttered. "But it seems as though almost all of them are magicians. Now that's a good thing!"

"Eh? How's that good? Magicians are harder to kill," Achilles said.

"True. But unlike normal soldiers, we don't have to hold back," Azrael smiled wickedly.

Achilles and Nav caught on. "Well, you are right! This is convenient! We can take them down together!"

All three of them outstretched their hands, electricity ran through their arms. They pooled their magic into a single ball of lightning which crackled and sparked. The air around was rapidly agitated.

The three of them then said. "Unison Magic: A Gorge of Lightning!"

The blue ball of lightning then morphed into a huge beam and blasted the army.


The unison attack disintegrated 75% of the entire army.

"Well, talk about overdoing things," Azrael said with grim satisfaction.

"Let's push?" Nav asked.

"Aye, charge!" Azrael ordered.

The three of them pushed the entire magical army back and stormed their base at the same time. The rebels were induced to total mayhem. Many ran away upon the sight of our heroic yet delusional trio. Screams of pain and fright were in the air. As Azrael punched his way through the hallway, the three of them hit crossroad-like corridors.

"Which should we take?" Achilles asked.

"Well, it looks like we are going to part our ways over here. The triplets are down the corridors in the middle I can sense them, while on the other hand, I sense another powerful magical signature at the end of the left corridor. Must be white robe: Frazer. There is no other explanation," Azrael said.

"Alright, Master. We understand. Good luck in your mission," Nav said.

"Umm-hmm... you two stay alive. I have a bad feeling about this," Azrael said and ran into the middle corridor.

"Well, he was concerned about us." Achilles pointed out.

"Of course, why wouldn't he be?" Nav questioned.

"Fair point," Achilles said. "Let's get Frazer!" They ran down the left corridor.

As Azrael ran through he grew tired of the slow-paced progress made by running so he used his Ice magic to slide across the floor like a skateboarder. Of course, he faced resistance along the way so he charged his right arm with electricity and disintegrated everyone. Well, he could have used Fire magic but that would have melted the Ice, now he wouldn't want to do that, would he?

As for Achilles, he torched an entire corridor with red flames just for the fun of it. Nav floated near him with a grim expression.

"Achilles, you are acting like the devil!" Nav said.

"Eh? So what?" Achilles said after he melted a rebel soldier's face.

"Geez!" Nav exclaimed at the smell of melting human flesh.

"Oh come on! It's not that bad. Let's go!" Achilles pumped his fists in the air and ran. Nav followed covering her nose. Then a single man stood in their way. He yelled. "Stop!"

"OUTTA MA WAY!" Achilles punched his face and sent him barrelling into a wall.

"Ah! Daemore! I knew you are very expressive but don't you think that was a tad too much? I mean you crushed the poor man's face!" Nav chided.       

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