New Beginnings

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A week later after leaving

Arya POV

Im still on the run and I don't even know if I can go on any further. I haven't eaten or drank any water in a looong time. I dont even know where we are at the moment. Just know that its snowing and its sooo cold. Oh by the way my wolf is pure white but my paws are all black. And here name is Elena

'Arya I dont think I can carry on any longer, Ive tried to but my energy levels are depleted'

'its okay Lena lets go lay down under the tree and rest for a while.. Ar just stay alert it feels like something good is about to happen'

'What do you mean'???

Thats when I hear paws pounding their way towards me... Shit!!!!!black dots begin to fill my vision. I dont know if its because im tired and soooooo hungry before I pass out a voice demands me to shift.  And everything goes black... Endless and endless maybe the moon goddess has granted me my wish.


'Dominic have you dealt with the rogue problem on the northern border?' i ask

'yes alpha, but there is a small problem she passed out before I ordered her to shift back. So im carrying her to the dungeon. But ive got to warn you this poor she wolf looks really beaten up and also severely malnourished.

' fuck im so not in the mood to deal with this now but I really have a good feeling about the she wolf blake my wolf says.

' Alpha the she wolf has been locked up and just awoke. She looks scared shitless. I gave her my tshirt to wear coz all her clothes are tattered and torn.

' im on my way Dominic. As i make my way to the dungeon the most amazing scent makes me and my wolf go crazy, it smells like vanilla mint infused tea and the slepp gets stronger as we near the rogues cell.

' Can it be her Kill'? Blake whimpers

'I dont know blake but we will find out soon'

As I open the cell door and walk in the mosy breathtaking beautiful girl i have ever seen in my existence is sitting on the floor with her arms around her legs looking up to me with those beautiful blue green eyes curiously.

'MATE?!! We both say in unison

Could've sworn she said impossible aswell

' What's your name beautiful '? I ask

' My name is Arya' i barely hear her say

'Please dont call me beautiful cause i know for a fact im not'

'What happened to her Kill it looks like she hasn't had any food for a long time now and also look at all her scars and bruises. Who would do such things to our mate' blake whimpers and whines.

'come beautiful you don't deserve to be down here' just as we make our way out the door i hear her falling down and landing on her head first.

I pick her up bridal style reveling in the tingles and sparks going up and down my harms. I run  inhumanly fast to our pack hospital. And demand the doctor help their luna.  

An animalistic growl passes my lips as the doctor and nurses try to take her away from me.

'alpha we have to check up on our Luna to see whats wrong. We will inform you as soon as we find out.

Oh my little mate what happened to you.

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