Broken Again

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Maybe this time Im dead wouldn't that be wonderful to all. Why was I put on this earth to be so abused. What have I done to you moongoddess. Is this some kind of sick joke. HUH!! Yeah just as I thought I get no answer from her.

All of a sudden I'm in a dark room. It smells like rotten meat, blood and sweat.  Im tied up with silver chains, my wolf has missing in action for a while now. All of a sudden the door opens and Leo steps in..

'Oh Arya. What a pleasant surprise finding you here Im going to enjoy torturing you, even though you are dreaming you will still feel it. And its going to be even worse than before'

I haven't even noticed that a I have no clothes on. How long have I been here, it looks like I haven't had any food for the last 6 months.

That's when I felt something burning my back, did he just hit me with a silver tipped whip???? I dont even scream out cause nothing is coming out of my mouth. Its as if my voice is gone. He starts stabbing me in my arms and legs
I'm never going to wake up from this nightmare...

6 months later

It's been 6 months already, 6 months that blake has been incontrol, he has killed summer, the moment he heard how bad Arya's injuries are.

6 months earlier

'Alpha, we have to take the Luna from you to check what the extent of her injuries are' . The doctor says

'NO' blake growls

'Blake give her to the doctor otherwise Arya will die' Nic says

It had taken more than 6 of my strongest warriors to take me out of the room, so that the doctor could check on her.

'Kill she will survive this, if she could survive her old packs torment and abuse she will survive this' nic says

'You were suppose to be there I specifically asked you to watch over her but I know your mate and unborn baby comes first so I'm not angry with you I'm pissed off at myself' .. If she dies I will kill myself

Just then the doctor comes in and calls me


' Please doctor tell me she's okay...

He has a grimm look on his face..... That certainly can't be good

'Well to be honest alpha, I really don't know if she will wake up from this, the extent of her injuries are far worse than we anticipated.
All her ribs are broken, her trachea is broken, her liver is bruised, both her lungs have collapsed and I really can't say if she will ever talk again' the doctor whispers

'Oh my goddess Blake. What have I done...
Nic I need to go for a run before Blake loses it...

Blake Pov
At the dungeon

I make my way to that wretched female's cell all but rip the door of its hinges, the door comes flying past me, her smell disgusts me I don't know what Killian even saw in her.

Hey I can still hear you

Like i was saying before I got rudely interrupted, how could she do this to OUR MATE, the mate I am suppose to protect with every fibre of my being, who will bare my pup one day. And now Im not even sure if she's gonna make it.... All because of this crazy ass bitch...
Im gonna rip her limb from limb, Im gonna feast on her heart.....

'Aren't you being a bit over dramatic?'

Overdramatic, are you kiddinh me, our mate may never wake up...

'Hey love I see you've come to your senses and left that ugly thing I almost killed.. Summer purs

' Yes, I've come yo kill you'

Lets just leave it at that I want to spare you all the gory details.

Still Blake POV

Since that day I haven't let Killian take control back. I have been at Arya's side permanently, only leaving to eat, shower and going to the bathroom.

I read her one of her favourite books over and over the twilight saga and sometimes it looks like she is smiling especially when I get to the part where Jacob tells Bella about the imprinting ''It's not like love at first sight, really. It's more like… gravity moves… suddenly. It's not the earth holding you here anymore, she does… You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend'', and thats precisely how I feel about her... she has gotten so skinny and I don't feel Elena like I should any more. And I'm beginning to get worried...

'Alpha we have a problem the castle is under attack' Nic mindlinks me

'Deal with it Nic, I can't leave Arya unprotected'

'Dammit Blake are you still in control you know that Killian won't like what you're doing'

After that comment I block the mind link again...

'What's gonna happen next my love? I whisper in her ear..

All of a sudden I hear the heart machine picking up as if something is making her heart go fast, I try to calm her down but to no avail... She starts to jerk around as if she is having a seizure and then the heart machine flat lines....

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