Day One

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A loud commotion, seemingly coming from upstairs, woke Bucky up in a haste. Throwing his legs over the bed he rushed out of his new room and over to the main entrance where the stairs perfectly spiraled up to the second floor. He ran up the stairs, two at a time, making it to her bedroom and opening the door without a second thought.

He was suddenly met with a large room delicately lit by the sun coming in from the large windows. It was luxurious—nothing less than what he expected from Sofia. Bucky looked around quietly before hearing the ruckus again. His feet moved towards the noise and he quickly found himself in a smaller hallway inside Sofia's room. One side of the hall led to a bathroom and the other side led into what he assumed was her closet from the large mirror that was bolted to the wall.

"Oh, fuck!"

His ears perked up at the sound of the voice coming from inside the closet (that could be its own little room in itself). Bucky carefully tiptoed into the closet, his eyes scanning the surroundings as he made his way further into it.

He slowly crept up to another opening in the closet, which he now believed was like some sort of Mary Poppin's bag, and found Sofia sitting on the floor groaning loudly as she threw around pairs of shoes that landed onto the carpeted floor with loud thumps.

Bucky let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding and Sofia looked up at him, her eyes widening at the sigh of a half-asleep Bucky standing inside her shoe closet.

She winced slightly, "Did I wake you up?"

Bucky ran a hand down his face with a sigh, "It's okay. I just... I don't know. I got worried."

"No one can break-in," Sofia stated matter-of-factly but then paused and furrowed her perfect brows. "Well, I probably shouldn't say no one, but you know what I mean."

Bucky cracked a grin and then scanned the closet again. Sofia chuckled from the floor and clicked her tongue. "I can't find the shoes I want to wear for tomorrow's carpet. I don't remember if I let Natasha borrow them or not. And knowing her, she's probably not even awake so I'm not wasting my time calling her to ask."

She stood up from the floor and stretched, Bucky catching a glimpse of her tan skin that peeked out from underneath her shirt. He looked away and cleared his throat feeling like he was overstaying his welcome in Sofia's closet.

"Want to come to get breakfast with me and Peggy?" Sofia asked. "I know your first official day on the job isn't until tomorrow, but uh, it doesn't hurt to get a taste of what's to come."

Bucky blinked. "Sure. Yeah. Right now?"

"Yeah. I just gotta take a shower and then get ready. I'll be done in an hour. Sound good?"

He nodded. Sofia smiled at him and he quickly made his way out of the closet, out of her room and back downstairs to his own. After closing the door behind him he let out an exasperated sigh. He could not catch feelings for Sofia. He knew exactly how it would end if it did.

An hour later, Bucky and Sofia were making their way down into the city of Los Angeles. Sofia was driving her all-black (inside and out) Mercedes-AMG GT coupe. Bucky held onto the door handle tightly as she raced through the busy streets with the radio playing lightly in the background.

Sofia chuckled in her seat as she came to a red light. Once completely stopped she looked over at Bucky and shook her head. "Just like my ma."


"Don't think I haven't noticed your death grip on the car door or the faces you make every time I turn or hit the gas."

Bucky snorted slowly letting go of the door making Sofia crack a smile, her brown eyes focusing back on the traffic light. Once it turned green she peeled down the street, on purpose, of course, making Bucky grab onto the door once more.

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