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They all left the club some hours later. If Bucky was right, it was just about to be 4 AM. Natasha and Sofia were drunk out of their minds while Peggy had a little buzz going on and Bucky was way too sober for it all.

With the help of Peggy, Bucky caught a cab and got everyone in. Since the area was a popular tourist attraction, the driver spoke English but didn't let up until he realized Bucky was struggling to get across what he wanted to say.

The ride back to the house was interesting, to say the least. Sofia and Natasha were being extra loud thanks to the alcohol and were starting to undress in the backseat of the car complaining that it was too hot. Peggy tried her best to stop them but there was only so much she could do.

To their luck, the cab stopped right out front of the house before any clothes actually came off. Bucky paid the driver and thanked him, quickly adding an apology for the rowdiness that occurred the whole way there. 

Bucky watched the car drive away and headed inside where Natasha and Sofia were arguing about something and Peggy stood there with furrowed brows. 

"Enough!" Peggy exclaimed, the girls stopping mid-argument and looking over at Peggy. "Go to your rooms, now. Jesus Christ, it's like I'm a mother."

The redhead and tanned brunette rolled their eyes before stomping away and slamming their doors but not before one opened up and another slammed, the sound of dry heaving echoing throughout the house.

Bucky and Peggy looked at each other, waiting for whoever it was to finish their session over the toilet and go back to their room. Once they heard the toilet flush, the sink run and doors open and close they let out a breath. Peggy ran a hand through her long hair and Bucky walked over to the kitchen looking for a cup to serve himself water. Ever since the kiss, his mouth had been uncomfortably dry.

"You okay there, Barnes?" Peggy chuckled, walking up to him and stealing the jug of water from his hands to serve herself some.

"Fine," he mumbled before bringing the cup up to his lips and drinking it all in one go.

It was quiet between them after his reply. Even though he and Peggy got along just fine, he couldn't find anything to say. It wasn't his place to spill to her. At least he didn't think it was. 

"Did you have a fun night?"

Bucky hummed, placing his cup in the kitchen sink and leaned against the counter. Peggy eyed him, frowning a bit but shrugging anyway. She would ask him what happened when Sofia went up to the VIP section but Sofia had told them nothing happened. Bucky, on the other hand, looked like he was torn in two and he hadn't left the VIP section all night.

"Come on," she nodded towards the hallway.

Bucky licked his lip and pushed himself off the counter, following Peggy down the hall and walking into his room. To his surprise, Peggy followed him, flipping the lights on behind her. He turned his head to look at her, confused as to why she was standing in his room. 

Peggy sighed and placed her hands on her hips. "Why do you seem down? Are you okay?"

"I don't know," he grumbled.

"Does it have to do with Sofia?" She whispered.

Bucky swallowed hard. He had real feelings for her. They were feelings that he hadn't felt for anyone in years. And if he didn't tell someone he was going to go crazy.

"Peggy, I think I'm in love with her." Bucky blurted.

She sighed again and leaned against the small chest of drawers that was up against the cream-colored wall. Peggy crossed her arms over her chest and opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. Bucky only regretted admitting his feelings even more as he watched Peggy's face search for the right words to say. What was there to say?

"Are you sure?"

Bucky looked her dead in the eye. "I'm in love with Sofia, dammit. I would give my life for her in a life or death situation, Carter. That's how much I fucking love her."

Peggy bit down on her lip and nodded slowly. Bucky was really, truly in love with Sofia. He had just admitted that he would die for her as if it was some Shakespearean play. Sofia would probably be proud.

"Please don't tell her," Bucky begged. "I'll tell her myself when I'm ready."

Peggy's lips turned into a small smile. "Don't hurt her, Barnes. Or I'll have to hurt you with my own two hands."

Bucky let out a sigh of relief, falling back onto the unfamiliar bed and closing his eyes with a grin. He heard Peggy say goodnight and shut his door. He laughed to himself, throwing his arm over his eyes and wondering how the hell he was going to make this workout.

The rest of the vacation Sofia ignored Bucky and Bucky did the same. Sofia ignored him because she felt hurt and was mostly upset with herself for thinking that Bucky could even have feelings for her while Bucky chose to not pay attention to her because he was still trying to sort out his avalanche of feelings.

Monday morning came by and they were all on their way back to Los Angeles. On the way back home, Natasha sat next to Bucky while Sofia sat with Peggy. The tension in the air was so thick it was almost tangible. Not even landing back on US land could ease it. 

Natasha and Peggy quickly disappeared as soon as they got their bags leaving Bucky and Sofia to fend for their own. Bucky found their driver a couple of steps away from the baggage claim area, nodding Sofia over.

The car ride home was the same as the plane ride. There was absolute silence. Bucky still helped Sofia bring her bags into the house but as soon as the front door closed Bucky disappeared into his room leaving Sofia feeling ashamed and broken-hearted. 

What she didn't know was that Bucky felt the same exact way. It was eating him up that he couldn't just put his job to the side and jump into what could possibly be the greatest fall of his life. But he just couldn't do it.

Sofia looked down the dark hallway that led to his room, hoping that just like all the movies she had starred in, Bucky would run out and declare his undying love for her. Deep, deep down she knew that it wouldn't happen. She was being ridiculous now.

She eyed her bags sitting at the bottom of the staircase deciding to get them after a much-needed nap. As soon as her head hit the fluffy pillow behind her she was out like a light.

She dreamt about better things; life in her sleep seemed to be entirely preferable than real life. But then a dark and blurry scenario began to play out behind her closed eyes. Sofia could feel her heart racing and her body thrashing violently against the mattress but she couldn't wake up. 

As soon as her ears began to ring her eyes shot open and her body jolted upright. Sofia grabbed her chest trying to catch her breath as well as wrap her head around what just happened but she couldn't even see what happened in her dream. 

Once she calmed herself down, she looked out the large window behind her and saw the sun setting. She called her mom and let her know she was back home and they talked like they used to back when Sofia was starting out in the business. Sofia felt this heaviness surround her but it wasn't over what happened with Bucky in Cancun. It was something else and it creeped her out a bit. Something was wrong.

After hanging up with her mother she walked downstairs and made herself quesadillas (her favorite) and watched a bit of television. She landed on E! News at one point during her channel surfing, Kristin dos Santos was talking about an incident that happened with an old co-star of Sofia's. 

Maria Hill had been attacked right outside a restaurant by an unknown perpetrator. Nothing major happened but Sofia still felt a sense of nervousness fill her being. She made sure to text Maria once she was near her phone and ask her how she was doing. For now, she tried to take her mind off of her worrying thoughts with a funny movie but she still felt uneasy. 

After the movie, she went back upstairs and fell asleep after tossing and turning due to the many thoughts that filled her head. When she closed her eyes and began to drift off, she hoped and prayed that all of her anxiousness would disappear.

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