Third year - part 0-19

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A/N so I've decided that it's a good idea to split each year up in to smaller parts (unsurprisingly), this means there should be more frequent updates and an overall longer 'chapter' in the end. This would also mean that there's going to be a lot more detail and less skipping of empty weeks, I'm also adding a side plot that I came up with so I hope you enjoy.

Word count: 9200

Molly Weasley was living a nightmare; the ministry had ruled that all the money Dumbledore had given them had to be returned to Harry Potter as soon as it was earned. All their income for the next year at least would be halved as they gradually paid off their debt.

'You should just be grateful you only lose half of your income rather than more, or better, all.' As usual, Molly ignored the voice in her head. She realised that only she could hear it, and that it was therefore the part of her mind that wanted to do 'the right thing' - as if she wasn't already doing that! It just seemed to hate her for absolutely no reason what so ever. It was extremely rude as well. Perhaps she should go to a mind healer to try and get rid of it.

'You can never get rid of me. On the contrary, I will get rid of you, just a matter of finalising the details, deciding how much pain I want you to be in, how many pieces you will be scattered into, how easily it will be to identify your corpse - you know, the details.' Molly rolled her eyes at the threat and carried on making breakfast. Her offspring soon began falling down the stairs.

Once they had all arrived and were in the middle of wolfing down the food, she posed the question.

"Do you boys remember last year when we tried to rescue Harry from his Muggle relatives?" A chorus of yeahs answered, followed by Ron mentioning how he wasn't there. "Well, did you ask Harry where he lived then?"

"Uhh... I forgot..." Molly sighed. In truth Ron hadn't forgotten, he just decided to allow his friend his privacy and ignored the matter entirely.

"Well make sure to ask him in September!"

"Why not ask him now?" Asked Ginny.

"How can we? We don't know where he lives?"

"No, but owls always do." After a moment of silence there was an outcry of "why didn't we think of this sooner?" and "we can't use Errol, he's hopeless!" They eventually decided to hire a bird from Diagon and use that.

Placing a tracking charm on the letter Ron had reluctantly written (words dictated by his mum), they sent it off. It took a good thirty seconds for any of them to realise they should continue with their day rather than waiting for the letter to stop moving.


Life flew along side the owl much to said bird's surprise. After all, you would be surprised too if God suddenly joined you on your journey to deliver a single letter to London.

'That letter, may I inspect it please? I believe it may be cursed. Don't want you to get hurt do we?' So kind! Such a kind and thoughtful Goddess! Yes! Of course she could purge the letter of evil! He would be glad and honoured to hand it over!

The letter was cleansed and the owl continued on his way. Life applied the charm to herself and followed for a while before slowly circling around to head towards the nearest convenient volcano. Clearly, this would now be Harry's home - as far as the Weasley's were concerned at least.


Hadrian did read Ron's letter, immediately knowing it was from Molly rather than his friend. She wanted him over for the summer - probably to influence his beliefs and loyalty if her wording was anything to go by. Hadrian replied with a polite message declining her offer, stating he was perfectly happy where he was and that it was safer for him to stay and how he didn't want to be a burden. He then charmed it with compulsion charms to stop her from persisting in her quest to adopt him, before giving it to the owl along with a strip of bacon for the journey. The owl happily flew away after finishing his meal. The Weasleys would be disappointed and confused, but they would just have to live with it. He was not leaving London.

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