A/N apology/confession?

978 28 8

{this is gonna be long, almost 4000 words actually, TL;DR at the end}

I have a habit of making up stories in my head. They never usually last more than a few days but for some reason I decided I was determined to write one of them down. This particular story was a Harry Potter au where Lady magic was a student and Harry was a dementor. I had encountered many creature!harry stories but never one with dementor!Harry. I also like to make up conversations, etc. and have gone over what I'm trying to write here in words many times these past few months - all of which were likely far better worded than this so bear with me here (gonna get personal so if you don't care about my personal problems which I am throwing out there for the world to see, then skip the first section. I'm too tired to be writing this really but I was hit with a flash of willpower and decided it's now or never)


Firstly, thank you/Explaining why I don't write much

Thank you guys, so much! I know everyone says this but I never expected to get this many reads. It's honestly kinda scary, and ever since the first few thousand I have practically refused looking at the read and star count because that would require acknowledging that people actually expect me to write this thing which is a very scary thought for someone with depression, executive dysfunction, 2.5 months of school work backlog (which they didn't do because brain decided to procrastinate and make up stories instead), etc. Even now in the holidays I still have work to do and some days I only complete half a task and spend the rest of the time sitting there telling myself that I need to actually do the thing-why aren't you doing it-why are you just staring into space-just do it-!

When you write something you always hope that people will like it, you hope that you'll get lots of reads and Validation but it's very different when it actually comes true. Before I turned them all to drafts you could go onto my profile and see my other *failed* attempts at writing a story and sticking with it. The problem is: I have lots (lots) of ideas, but I can easily just make up the story in my head and then get distracted by another plot idea and then make that up and then another one comes along and- Basically it's a miracle I have even written as much as I have. Back before the lockdown I used to read on Wattpad constantly - partially because I hadn't actually discovered the wonder that is AO3 yet, mostly because whenever I had a free period at school I would spend it either reading or making progress on this book. Since school closed that obviously hasn't been happening which I think is the main culprit for the lack of updates (I certainly had enough time, I just didn't have the strength to actually force myself to write. The. Damn. Thing. And I also had a bit of a block a while ago but I eventually found a way through it (ironically because someone asked me about an update schedule and I replied with 'sorry I don't have one, don't expect a new chapter anytime soon.' My Brain then proceeded to say to me "y'know what, I'll give you some motivation, as a treat." So I uploaded the next chapter less than an hour later like the procrastinating hypocrite that I am. I actually haven't even pressed the edit button since then. No that's a lie - I did press it, several times even, then realised I had no motivation or ideas so I went back to Pinterest instead.

Don't get me wrong, I love you guys so much and reading your comments never fails to make me smile/laugh (or become confused if you're talking about a (usually anime) I don't know anything about). I do read every comment I get, and scroll through all the notifications I get too - mostly /username/ has added a deadly inheritance to /reading list/ so I'm just scrolling through like "no this isn't Drarry, you just added this story to like 10 different lists, no Harry is Male, I'm honoured that you added this to 'books I like', no this isn't drarry, wow there's a lot of different languages here, omg!this!person!is!commenting!onliterally!every!single!paragraph❤️, no this isn't my hero academia, pottah, no this isn't... undertale?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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